The Limited Times

Review of the year: the most curious short messages 2019

12/27/2019, 6:50:17 PM

A drunk construction worker wants to send a special greeting to his beloved. A dispatcher guides a locomotive onto the wrong track - and then comes up with a stupid idea. The most curious short news of the year. Zoo vulture lands in ...

A drunk construction worker wants to send a special greeting to his beloved. A dispatcher guides a locomotive onto the wrong track - and then comes up with a stupid idea. The most curious short news of the year.

Zoo vultures land in the jaguar enclosure - and are killed

A griffon vulture flew into the wrong facility at the Salzburg Zoo earlier this year. The six year old bird was killed by a big cat. As the zoo announced, griffon vulture "Gypsi" may have chosen the dangerous landing site after a gust of wind. The jaguar therefore gave the bird no chance to fly away again.

"Vultures are gliders. The wind on the rock walls on Hellbrunner Berg can sometimes be unpredictable," said a spokeswoman for the zoo. The griffon vultures there have been flying freely since 1966. If they are hungry, they end up at their feeding station in the zoo or on the visitor paths. As pure scavengers, according to the zoo they pose no danger to humans. Their natural life expectancy is 30 to 40 years.


Griffon Vulture "Gypsi": He had just recovered from lead poisoning

"Gypsi" had been released only three weeks earlier to the other Salzburg vultures - after surviving lead poisoning.

Couple trapped in strange car at shepherd's hour

A young couple in Munich retired to a strange, parked car in February. But then there was a problem - the doors could no longer be opened.

The two included had met shortly before in a discotheque, the police said. While looking for a cozy spot in the city center, they would have discovered the car that stood unlocked on the roadside. In their distress, the couple alerted the police, who used the fire department to rescue them.

What happened to the 27-year-old from Munich and his 26-year-old companion from the Starnberg area is unknown, according to the police. The reaction of the car owner is also unclear. His car had to be towed because the doors could no longer be closed after the liberation.

Construction site Romeo hands over bouquet of flowers by crane

A drunk construction worker handed a bouquet of heavy equipment to his beloved in Nuremberg in May. The 40-year-old had hung the container on the hook of a remote-controlled crane and swung it unerringly to the balcony of a local resident.

But the woman, completely surprised by the incident, gave him a basket - and called the police. The officials stopped the romantic spectacle and initiated an administrative offense against the man.

The dispatcher drives the locomotive on the wrong track - and wants to tow it by car

A stuck car in the track bed, behind it a locomotive that was unable to move: This picture was presented to the police in mid-July in a train station in Lower Saxony.

Somebody who was supposed to know better was responsible for the mishap in Westerstede-Ocholt: For unknown reasons, a dispatcher had led the electric locomotive onto a siding without overhead lines, according to a police report. Without electricity, the locomotive was unable to move, so a diesel locomotive would have been necessary to steer the tractor back onto the correct track.


But according to the police, the dispatcher seemed to find this too expensive. Instead, the 61-year-old drove his own car into the track bed to pull the locomotive back on rails with overhead lines. However, this went completely wrong: the vehicle got stuck after a few meters. Finally, a tow truck had to be called to get the car off the track.

Man wants to eliminate molehills with firecrackers

An employee of the Sulza community in Thuringia was seriously injured in October when trying to remove molehills with firecrackers. The 47-year-old was taken to hospital with injuries to his feet and eyes, the police said in Jena.

STPP / imago images

Accordingly, the man had put the firecrackers in the molehills and set them on fire. He put his foot on one of the hills. He was injured in the explosion.

Here you can watch burgers and fries as they age

In 2009 McDonald's closed its last branch in Iceland. One of the last orders is still kept in a glass case - and people can watch burgers and fries (not) spoil.

It was Hjortur Smarason who ordered the fast food to preserve it. "I decided to buy a final menu because of its historical value because McDonald's closed," he said. He had heard that the chain's food never spoiled - and he wanted to see if that was true.


Showcase in hostel: "I'm the last McDonald's cheeseburger to be sold in Iceland in 2009"

First of all, he kept burgers and fries in his garage. He then lent the food to the National Museum. In the meantime, the fast food is displayed in a glass cabinet in the hostel Snotra House like a kind of work of art.

"People from all over the world come here just to see the burger," said the owner of the hostel in the southern city of Thykkvibaer. A sign above the showcase says, "Hello. I'm the last McDonald's cheeseburger to be sold in Iceland in 2009. Let's take a selfie together."

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