The Limited Times

[12.29] Netizens lock the flagpole of the Edinburgh Assembly Hall

12/29/2019, 11:11:07 AM

The anti-revision storm continued for more than half a year. Some netizens initiated a "Day and Night of Hong Kong People's Resistance" rally in Edinburgh Square today. From 2pm to 8pm, the event has received a notice of no objection. On the same occasion, some Buddhists prayed for Hong Kong. "Hong Kong 01" on-site rally.

Social News

Written by: Yuan Yuan

2019-12-29 13:49

Last updated: 2019-12-29 19:06

The anti-revision storm continued for more than half a year. Some netizens initiated a "Day and Night of Hong Kong People's Resistance" rally in Edinburgh Square today. From 2pm to 8pm, the event has received a notice of no objection. On the same occasion, some Buddhists prayed for Hong Kong.

"Hong Kong 01" on-site rally.

[18:45] The conference announced that today's rally is over, and the crowd on the scene is dissipating.


[15:30] As seen at the scene of the reporter, the flagpole of the General Assembly Hall next to the assembly venue has been locked. It seems to prevent a recurrence of the event that people in black ripped off the national flag during the assembly last week.

[14:20] Before the start of the rally, citizens have signed on the black cloth and wrote their opinions. Liang Taizhi, who is over 60 years old, will participate in an average of three rallies every week and will continue to insist. He also said that if there were no demonstrations by young people at that time, the amendment to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance had already been passed.

In the past six months, Mrs. Leung stated that the scene of police dispersing by force inside the MTR Prince Edward Station on August 31 was the most memorable scene, fearing that someone would be killed. She also said that on Christmas Eve, the protesters were supported at Langham Place in Mong Kok that night, when the police dispersed them by force, describing "Christmas Eve as a horrible night." She continued that the government must set up an independent commission of inquiry.



[13:45] The organizer of "Recalling the Buddha at the End of the Year to the Hong Kong People's Law Association" stated that he would read the sutras for the prisoners and the injured of the Anti-Revision Movement. He said that as Buddhists, the mainstream opinion of society thinks that they are "blue silk", but the core values ​​of Buddhism emphasize compassion and life, and hope that everyone will be good. He also pointed out that the law enforcement situation of the police lacked perfect supervision and considered it unfair.

He also pointed out that he only wanted to maintain Hong Kong's core values, but in the past I saw a lot of bloody scenes in live broadcasts, so I hope to read the scriptures for everyone to ease the mind, and said that when the event starts, anyone will be welcome to chant the scriptures, including Police officer.

[13:20] The day and night rally of the Hong Kong people's protest began at 2 pm. A long black banner was set up outside the General Assembly Hall, and it was ready to be signed by the rally people later.




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