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Effie Nave appealed the decision not to prosecute journalist Hadas Steif - Walla! news

12/29/2019, 12:59:07 PM

The former Bar Association chairman, who is expected to stand trial for bribery and fraud and breach of trust, appealed the decision not to initiate legal proceedings against the journalist and another party ...

Effie Nave appealed the decision not to prosecute journalist Hadas Steif

The former Bar Association chairman, who is expected to stand trial for bribery and fraud and breach of trust, appealed the decision not to initiate legal proceedings against the journalist and another party who broke into his phone. "The decision to grant immunity is so unusual that it is difficult to find precedent," they argued. Attorney

Effie Nave appealed the decision not to prosecute journalist Hadas Steif

Edit: Joy Fellow

Former Israel Bar Association chairman Epi Nave filed an appeal against the decision not to prosecute journalist Hadas Steif and the party who actually committed the breach of his mobile device. Noah's attorneys, Boaz Ben Tzur, Carmel Ben Tzur and Guy Raveh, wrote The appeal states that the decision to grant immunity is "so exceptional that it is difficult to pinpoint precedent - a decision under which offenders who committed clear offenses," immunity "from prosecution, was included, which did not include the legal basis for it." The appeal also contains quotes from Steif's testimony, As well as other parties involved in the hacking of phones.

On Friday, the court administration said it was not opposed to disclosing the materials found on Epi Nave's mobile phone, following various publications in recent days regarding Naveh and a senior judge's correspondence. "In recent days, we have witnessed various publications on recordings and correspondence that Naveh allegedly had with ministers, politicians, judges and journalists about three years ago," said a statement from the court administration spokeswoman, "the judiciary, for its part, does not seek to cover anything and has no objection to the material being disclosed, To end the irresponsible campaign of irresponsibility against Israeli judges as a whole who do their work with dedication, professionalism and faith. "

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Subject to hearing: Effie Nave will be charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust

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Nave (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Senior justice system extends during his arrest in the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court, January 16, 2019 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The information that began the investigation was taken from Naveh's cell phone, which was handed over to journalist Galei Staf's journalist, who handed him over to a professional for his burglary. Naveh filed a complaint with police against Stiefe for taking the phone without permission and breaking into it. In addition, Naveh demanded IDF detainees and Stife's compensation. NIS 7 million and restoring all copies of all the materials in the device.

In a lawsuit filed by Naveh through his defense attorney, Boaz Ben Tzur, Steif, and IDF waves included in the lawsuit, "went through every corner of the plaintiff's life: his correspondence with his young children, friends and clients, in violation of attorney-client privilege, and in fact - a row. Lots of people, including ministers, Knesset members, judges, members of the enforcement system and more. His personal pictures and pictures of his children; Sound clips stored on the device; Plaintiff's browsing history and so on and so forth. There is no aspect of the plaintiff's personal and private life that was not scoured by defendants with iron combs. He has no privacy left. "

Attorney Ronnie Aloni Sedovnik, who represents Hadas Steif, said: "The police investigation is under a blanket prohibition order. It is necessary to investigate who leaked the content of Steiff's testimony to the media in violation of the law. We have no doubt that we know who the crazed Cossack screams 'werewolf'. As for the criminal appeal filed by Naveh against the decision not to prosecute Steif - recently the figures have been published that about 100% of the criminal appeals are rejected, and it will be interesting to see if that appeal will be rejected as well. "

Naveh demanded IDF detractors and Stife compensate and return the copies of the materials on the device. Stief (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Hadas Steif, May 2012 (Photo: Reuven Castro)