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Netanyahu Peretz: Abandoned the senior role of Smutrich; Peretz: Arm Ben Dahan - Walla! news

12/29/2019, 5:26:07 PM

After the union with Jewish power, the prime minister asked the chairman of the Jewish House to work with the national union as well. The Walla! NEWS learned that Netanyahu asked Bay to relinquish the post of senior minister ...

Netanyahu Peretz: Abandoned the senior role of Smutrich; Peretz: Arm Ben Dahan

After the union with Jewish power, the prime minister asked the chairman of the Jewish House to work with the national union as well. Walla! NEWS learned that Netanyahu wanted to relinquish the role of senior minister to Smutrich, but Peretz refused, saying he would be ready for negotiations "without preconditions"

Netanyahu Peretz: Abandoned the senior role of Smutrich; Peretz: Arm Ben Dahan

Edit: Joy Fellow

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's efforts to unify right up the stage: After the union with Jewish power, the Prime Minister spoke on Friday with Jewish Home Minister Rafi Peretz, asking him to work for a union with the National Union Party led by Minister Bezalel Smutrich, despite the tension between NEWS has learned that in an attempt to find a compromise, Netanyahu has asked Bay to relinquish the post of senior minister to Smutrich, but Peretz refused, saying he would be ready for negotiations "without preconditions."

Peretz said in a speech that he would agree to compromises with Minister Smutrich, if Netanyahu will be on the Likud list for the 23rd Knesset, one of the representatives of the Jewish House, referring to Eli Ben Dahan, who is similarly armored in the 21st Knesset elections. Netanyahu has informed Peretz that he is opposed. In the conversation, Netanyahu also hailed the connection of the Jewish home with Jewish power.

Peretz and Smutrich have had a total disconnect that lasted more than a week since the Jewish Home Speaker signed a joint running agreement with Jewish power. "Itamar Ben Gvir even before agreeing with Smutrich.

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Jewish House Speaker Rafi Peretz concludes on joint run with Jewish Power Chairman Itamar Ben Gvir

Jewish House Speaker Rafi Peretz concludes on a joint run with Jewish Power Chairman Itamar Ben Gvir. December 20, 2019. (Photo: official website)

The agreement caused a great deal of outrage over Peretz, even within his party, and his opponents made claims that he had to close an agreement with Smutrich earlier, despite the tension between them.

So far Peretz has not brought the agreement with Jewish power for the approval of the party's center, in the shadow of concern that he will not be able to approve it in the face of domestic opposition. MK Motti Yogev, number 2 in his party, sent him a public letter this morning criticizing him, stating that "the way the agreement was signed with Jewish power in skipping the National Union created a loss of public confidence in the Jewish House party among many of its voters."

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To the full article

The Session of the Jewish Home (Thyme: Reuven Castro)

Jewish House faction meeting, Jerusalem Knesset, November 18, 2019 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

In the letter, Yogev demanded that the decisions be brought to the center of the party because "the future of the Jewish House party and religious Zionism cannot be determined in closed rooms." He said, "We must return to straight and transparent processes. Decisions and decisions must at least return to the center of the Jewish home, where they must be made secretly."

Although avoiding public statements, Smutrich is expected to meet activists in the Jewish House tonight who have been working to thwart the agreement with Jewish power. This meeting is a statement on his part, although the chances of stopping the move are low. However, the parties to the right of the Likud do not exclude the possibility that, close to the closing of the lists, and in accordance with internal polls, will allow broad unions that include not only the Jewish home, the national union and Jewish power, but also the new right - the party of Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked.