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Attacks in Europe, Arab Spring and Trump - the great moments of the decade - Walla! news

12/31/2019, 6:26:08 PM

Tens of thousands of Haiti earthquake fatalities, leakage of WikiLeaks documents, two royal weddings and Mars landing. Watch the record highs in five minutes

Attacks in Europe, Arab Spring and Trump - the big moments of the decade

Tens of thousands of Haiti earthquake fatalities, leakage of WikiLeaks documents, two royal weddings and Mars landing. Watch the record highs in five minutes

Attacks in Europe, Arab Spring and Trump - the big moments of the decade

Photo Credit: Reuters, Content Editing: Sigal Sirius, Production: Royit Cohen Tsafriri, Video Editing: Noa Levy, Graphic Design: Avichai Baruch

(Video credits: Photo: Reuters, Editing Content: Sigal Sirius, Production: Ravit Cohen Tsafriri, Video Editing: Noa Levy, Graphic Design: Avichai Baruch)

The decade that comes to an end began with a deadly earthquake in Haiti that resulted in the deaths of 230,000 people. Julian Assange stunned the world as he published thousands of classified documents on the Wikileaks website. In the Gulf of Mexico, an ecological disaster occurred following an explosion in an oil rig.

In 2011, Arab Spring protests erupted, prompting Tunisian and Egyptian presidents, and a bloody civil war in Syria - which the fighting has not ceased to date. Europe was washed away by a wave of refugees from the Middle East and Africa.

US President Barack Obama "closed an account" with al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, while eight years later - his replacement, Donald Trump, eliminated ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Over the years, deadly terrorist attacks have shocked the world - in France hundreds were killed in Paris and Nice attacks, in the UK dozens were massacred in Ariana Grande and New Zealand shows 49 people were killed in an attack on two mosques in Christchurch.

Prominent figures have passed away in the decade, including former British Prime Minister Margaret Iron Thatcher. Former South African president, considered the nation's father, Nelson Mandela as well as tyrants Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. The world also said goodbye to physicist Stephen Hawking, boxer Muhammad Ali and artists David Bowie and Leonard Cohen.

Britain, which celebrated two royal weddings and births of four regents, went on a referendum that downgraded the kingdom to the Barracks crisis, which continues to this day, bringing former Minister Boris Johnson to a sweeping victory in the election. That was the decade it was - watch

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