The Limited Times

President al-Assad to Khaji: The Idlib battle aims to eliminate terrorism that threatens the security and safety of Syrian citizens in it

12/31/2019, 2:59:19 PM

Damascus-Sana, President Bashar al-Assad received today Ali Asghar Khaji, the top aide to the Iranian foreign minister for affairs


President Bashar al-Assad received today Ali Asghar Khaji, the top aide to the Iranian Foreign Minister for Special Political Affairs and his accompanying delegation.

President Al-Assad listened from Khaji to a presentation on the latest developments of the recent Astana meeting and the discussions that took place during a number of topics, especially the topic of the Constitution Discussion Committee and developments in the Syrian island region, where President Al-Assad referred to the attempts of the other party and the countries supporting him to put obstacles and obstacles in front of the work of the committee under the names Multiple to deviate from its tasks and purpose.

The Iranian delegation also presented the most important points that were discussed in the recent Geneva meeting between Iran, Russia and Turkey, and members of the delegation praised the progress of the Syrian Arab Army in the Syrian island region and congratulated President Assad and the Syrian people on the victories achieved by the military operation in Idlib currently, where President Assad made it clear that the Idlib battle was aimed at eliminating On terrorism that threatens the security and safety of the Syrian citizens in that region, stressing that the anti-terror operation is ongoing and is a priority for the Syrian state, above all else.

The meeting touched on the bilateral relations between the two countries, where Khaji stressed that Iran was and will remain with everything that would achieve the interests of the Syrian people and preserve Syria's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Buthaina Shaaban, Political and Media Adviser at the Presidency of the Republic, Dr. Faisal Al-Miqdad, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, and Ayman Raad, Director of the Asian Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants.