The Limited Times

How can I best store my files to find them faster on my hard drive?

1/1/2020, 11:16:48 AM

If you don't organize the files and folders on your computer properly, your hard drive can quickly turn into a real

Adopt a detailed and precise name format

In order to find and organize your documents as well as possible, start by adopting a standard nomenclature that you will use for each file created. Use short and precise terms, even abbreviations which will inform you about the precise nature of the document. This will allow you to get better readability, and will be particularly useful for finding and storing them. You can thus choose to classify your files by date, with numbers or by subject.

Create thematic rankings for your files

To have an organized PC, use a classification by thematic files. First of all, use major categories by limiting yourself to the essentials (type "work", "invoices", "photos", "music", "videos" ...) then multiply the sub-folders. On Mac OSX, you can also distinguish each type of file and folder by assigning a color to it. This allows you to have an efficient and simple visual cue to find your way around. To do this, right click on the file or folder in question, then select a colored "Tag".
By properly organizing your files, you can then save them much more simply.

Use your desk properly

Your office should be as clear as possible so that you can find your way around. So be careful not to clutter it with unnecessary files or folders. Only put your current projects there so you can easily access them. Once these are finished, store them in the corresponding folder inside your hard drive or on an online storage space.

Use an alternative file explorer

To be able to find your files and folders more easily and quickly, install an alternative file explorer which is more complete and more practical than that of your operating system.
On Windows, choose for example Xplorer 2, CubicExplorer, Explorer ++ or MultiCommander. For Mac OSX, you can turn to Xtra Finder, Xfolders, muCommander, Pathfinder or even Disk Order.
These offer you a clearer display of your files, and have very practical options (double windows, customizable menus, shortcut editors, etc.).

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