The Limited Times

Iraq: tear gas on demonstrators outside the US embassy

1/1/2020, 1:26:08 PM

Security forces in Baghdad launched tear gas to disperse pro-Iranian protesters who spent the night outside the gates of the American embassy. (HANDLE)

Security forces in Baghdad launched tear gas to disperse pro-Iranian protesters who spent the night outside the gates of the American embassy. Thousands of demonstrators gathered yesterday outside the diplomatic headquarters to protest the US airstrikes that killed 25 pro-Iranian fighters over the weekend. After setting up about fifty tents and even portable toilets, hundreds have announced a sit-in in front of the embassy until US forces are expelled from the country. They also set fire to US flags this morning. In response, security forces inside the embassy fired tear gas at the demonstrators, many of whom were injured and taken away by ambulances. The Popular Mobilization Forces (Hashd al-Shaabi), the coalition of pro-Iranian Shiite paramilitary militias active in Iraq, has ordered its supporters to withdraw from the American embassy in Baghdad, where a protest has been underway since yesterday. However, a faction of demonstrators rejected the order to leave the American embassy.

Iran condemns the "mischievous" behavior of the United States. Iranian leader Ali Khamenei said so in response to Sunday's US military attacks on Shiite militia bases in Iraq. Khamenei spoke during a meeting with a group of nurses on the occasion of Nursing Day.

Italy strongly condemns the recent attack on an anti-Daesh Coalition station in Iraq and the attack on the American embassy in Baghdad and expresses solidarity with the United States and Iraq for the victims and the wounded. The foreign ministry said in a note. In this phase of strong tensions in Baghdad, Italy underlines the need to respect the inviolability of diplomatic missions and to guarantee the safety of the personnel who serve you and hopes for a timely normalization of the situation, reads the note, which continues: Italy confirms its active contribution to the efforts of the anti-Daesh Coalition and support for Iraq in fighting terrorism and building a future of peace, stability, and prosperity for all Iraqis.

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