The Limited Times

On January 1, fewer babies are born than other days. But there are more migrants celebrating their birthday

1/1/2020, 5:29:09 PM

New Year, Christmas Eve and Christmas is at least babies born. And on September 9, 10, 12, 17 and 19, when more. We explain why, and why with migrants it is different.

January 1 is the second day of the year (after December 25 ) in which fewer Americans are born. However, it is also one of the days in which the greatest number of migrants in this country celebrates their birthday.

On January 1 , on average, 7,792 babies are born every year in this country, according to the website The Daily Viz, which has analyzed official statistics between 1994 and 2014.

Christmas Day records 6,574 births on average each year, while Christmas Eve is 8,069. July 4 is 8,796, and January 2 is 9,307.

As for the days with the highest number of births, they are September 9 (12,301 on average per year), September 19 (12,229), September 12 (12,224), September 17 (12,148) and 10 September (12,142).

Why september? Maybe because those babies are conceived at Christmas.

As for the days in which fewer babies are born, it is possibly because the mothers try to delay or advance the delivery so that it does not coincide with these festive dates. Just as they try to avoid also on the 13th of each month (especially if it is Friday ), and on February 29 .

What happens then with immigrants?

In general, they are included in these same birth statistics, but they have a particularity, reviewed by the informative website Business Insider.

On January 1, he has become for many refugees who have arrived in the United States on his birthday because, at the time of submitting his documentation, some do not know the actual date, so that day is officially chosen.

Statistically, only 0.13% of them should have that date of birth. However, according to 2009 figures, almost 11,000 of the 80,000 who entered the country that year, that is, 14%, registered that day as their birthday.

"January 1 is the date we commonly assign as birthdays" for people who do not know the exact day and do not have a birth certificate, said Marilú Cabrera, spokesman for the Immigration and Citizenship Service to the MPR News information website.

"It is understood to be an estimate," Cabrera added, "but under these circumstances we cannot do anything but estimate."

Another very common date in that regard is July 4 .

That can cause problems, however, the aforementioned website adds, because when the date of birth coincides with other people, if surnames are also shared there may be confusion at the time, for example, of conducting a criminal background test .