The Limited Times

VIDEO. La Tanière: the refuge for circus animals

1/1/2020, 11:16:43 AM

A few kilometers from Chartres, there is La Tanière, a zoo refuge that collects animals, especially from circuses and laboratories.

Gipsy has found its place at the La Tanière refuge. After breaking a leg off the owners' truck, a traveling circus, she was taken in by Patrick Violas, owner of the shelter. Promised to euthanasia, his "masters" decided to bring him to Chartres, to give him one last chance. After an operation and long rehabilitation sessions, she is one of the 400 residents of La Tanière.

Extending today over 20 ha, the refuge collects wild animals as domestic. "Last solution when there is nothing else", this zoo refuge is made up of 47 buildings, welcoming in particular former circus animals, or even monkeys from laboratories. Often injured, or condemned to euthanasia, they find here a haven of peace. But for Patrick Violas, being only a refuge is a "utopia straight out of the world of bisounours". The reception, care and care of these animals comes at a price. And for this very reason, Patrick Violas has chosen to open his park to the public, under the banner of the "zoo". But beware, when it opens in June 2020, the visits will be enhanced with awareness of animal abuse, the importance of not taking it if it cannot be dealt with via digital media. The story of each animal will also be told to all visitors who linger in front of their parks.

But today is the time for building and caring for animals. Monkeys from laboratories are, in particular, at the heart of this concern. Each "viable" individual was taken in by Patrick Violas, who tries to help them adapt to their new environment while trying to create groups. Animal of gregarious instinct, these primates are often alone in the laboratories. For their days spent in the shelter, the owner and founder tries to form groups, as they should be in the wild.