The Limited Times

3 out of 4 families live in houses

1/2/2020, 12:41:32 PM

75.2% of families, three out of four, live in a home. In 2016, the average surface of a house was 117 square meters and its average value was around 162 thousand euros (1,385 euros per square meter). (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JANUARY 2 - 75.2% of families, three out of four, live in a home. In 2016, the average surface of a house was 117 square meters and its average value was around 162 thousand euros (1,385 euros per square meter). The total value of the housing stock exceeds 6,000 billion. These are some of the data contained in the seventh edition of 'Gli Immobili in Italia', the publication chefotografa the Italian real estate assets created by Agenzia delle Entrate and Mef in collaboration with Sogei. The report shows that since 2016, the year to which the data are referenced, the capital levy on real estate has fallen by over 4.5 billion euros "following mainly the abolition of the Tasi on non-luxury main homes and other lightening measures the levy on real estate ".

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