The Limited Times

Jennifer Lopez said goodbye to the decade with her favorite moments of 2019

1/2/2020, 8:29:09 PM

2019 was a great year for Jennifer Lopez, and to say goodbye to the decade, the star reflected on everything good that has happened in her life.

2019 was a great cycle for Jennifer Lopez , and to say goodbye to the decade, the star recalled everything good that has happened in her life recently.

In an emotional video shared on her Instagram account, the actress and singer showed images of her exciting year. Some moments are part of his personal life, such as the day on which, at the beach, Alex Rodriguez asked him to marry her, or the strong bond of brothers who have formed their twins with the daughters of his fiancé.

Similarly, JLo collected images of his successful work year, which included, among other things, a concert tour to celebrate his 50th birthday and a clapped performance in the film "Hustlers", for which he is nominated for a Golden Globe.

"A look at 2019" is the title of the video, whose full version exceeds 11 minutes.

"2019 ... is the last day of a decade ... wow, " JLo wrote on December 21 on his social profile. "When I think of 2010 ... and I think of all the things that happened in that time, I smile subtly and cheerfully inside ... because, although some of the hardest moments first jumped into my head, I realize that I survived all of them and that led me to the best time of my life so far. "

For Jennifer, her story has been written just as it should be. Although it was in 2011 when he announced that he was separating from Marc Anthony , with whom he procreated Emme and Max , the end of the decade came with a new hope in love.

"Honestly, I wouldn't change a single thing ... I feel stronger and more at peace with who I am, now more than ever ... I hope everyone can look back in the same way and enjoy every moment of their trip. Taste it, enjoy it! It's the 20s. Prepare to roar! And laugh and dance and live, live, live! "Lopez added in his New Year message.

Similarly, A-Rod published on Instagram a collection of images to say goodbye to the year and welcome him to 2020. "It has been a year of beautiful memories and surprises", I could read at the beginning of the clip, in which their relationship as a couple is the great protagonist.

"What a wonderful year this has been! As 2019 disappears, I feel incredibly grateful and blessed," the 44-year-old ex-driver wrote on his social profile.

"Remembering these moments, I cannot help smiling from ear to ear. I am very fortunate to be able to spend my life with those I love, doing what I love," added the commentator on the Fox network.

"Thank you all for following me on this wonderful journey. Cheers for the success and happiness to follow in 2020!" He concluded, and invited his followers to see the full version of his annual account, which on YouTube extends to 24 minutes

JLo and A-Rod celebrated the New Year in the company of their four children, including Alex's girls, Ella and Tashi . In their social networks they also shared some images of the party in which they counted the seconds to start 2020.

Embraced the six, and in the middle of effusive kisses, they welcomed him to the new cycle.

The family took several photos to make the closure of the decade unforgettable.

Congratulations to everyone!

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