The Limited Times

Two ostriches walking among the calli Venezia

1/2/2020, 5:11:09 PM

Two Australian ostriches walking through the streets of Venice: it happened today near the Ponte delle Guglie, not far from the railway station. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - VENICE, JANUARY 2 - Two Australian ostriches strolling through the streets of Venice: it happened today near the Pontedelle Guglie, not far from the railway station. The municipal police, after being alerted by dozens of phone calls from residents asking for 'guests' charges crossed on the street, fined the two owners to hinder the movement and violation of the animal hygiene regulation. The urban daspo has also been applied to the two people, of Slovenian origin and belonging to an uncirco who is in San Donà di Piave these days. Investigations are underway by Trenitalia to understand the ways in which the trains are transported by train.
The two Australian ostriches were said to have been brought to history to promote a circus show. Among the dozens of videos posted on Facebook after the unscheduled 'walk' of the two birds in the historic center, there are some that immortalize them along the corridor of a regional train. (HANDLE).