The Limited Times

[Fugitives Regulations] The fourth time of skin grafting in Maanshan, a man with a burn wound, itching is difficult to be scheduled

1/3/2020, 2:53:27 PM

On November 11 last year, clashes broke out in multiple areas during a three-strike operation. A 57-year-old man argued with a protester in black at a footbridge across Ma On Shan Square. During this time, he was burned by a man in black sprayed with unknown liquid and ignited. Dangerous. Ge Yifan pointed out that the injured Li Sheng's current condition was repeated, and that the whole body wound was healing and itchy, making it difficult to fall asleep. Ge Yifan also said that the injured were scheduled for a fourth skin graft.


Written by: Ling Yide

2020-01-03 16:27

Last updated: 2020-01-03 17:53

On November 11 last year, clashes broke out in multiple areas during a three-strike operation. A 57-year-old man argued with a protester in black at a footbridge across Ma On Shan Square. During this time, he was burned by a man in black sprayed with unknown liquid and ignited. Dangerous. Ge Yifan pointed out that the injured Li Sheng's current condition was repeated, and that the whole body wound was healing and itchy, making it difficult to fall asleep. Ge Yifan also said that the injured were scheduled for a fourth skin graft.

Ge Yifan quoted the wounded wife Li Tai as saying that the situation of the injured Mr. Li has improved but repeated. Mr. Li's wounds earlier in his ears were infected with germs and transferred to the isolation ward for treatment. Recently the wound has gradually healed, but he still needs to stay in the isolation ward to prevent Infection, scheduled for the fourth skin graft. Mrs. Li pointed out that her husband's condition is getting better day by day and is more at ease. Some wounds on her body can be removed with gauze, which can be rinsed, disinfected and then bandaged. However, Mrs. Li described "the wounds on her body are like maps." The growth of the meat is not good. Wear pressure gloves. Li Tai said that her husband had expressed that the wounds on his body were very itchy. "It seems like a lot of bugs keep biting, and they can't sleep even if they want to sleep."

Ge also pointed out that Mr. Li recently had a lot of blisters on the new meat on his head and face. He needed to see a dermatologist. Today he has a fever, swollen feet, and feels tired. Mrs. Li is also worried. Ge said that the wounded are not suitable for visiting now. Mrs. Li has been conveyed to everyone's care and blessing. Mrs. Li is very moved and thank you again and again.

Three strikes