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How lucky: Astrological forecast for next week | Israel today

1/3/2020, 11:05:10 PM


You will be required to demonstrate your skills at work on Tuesday, Tuesday and Wednesday • Astrological Forecast for the week between 09.01.2020-03.01.2020

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Capricorn December 22 - January 20

Examine your relationship with parents and spouse, as well as relationships related to past events, with the understanding that you have a responsibility that you cannot release. On Friday and Saturday, the rest at home will incorporate proof of your loyalty to the family. True, there will be moments of "duty" and "need," but in the end you will enjoy. On the first and second you will have the opportunity to start fresh, your personality will put you at the center of things socially. On the third and fourth, you will need to demonstrate your skills at work and achieve instant results, despite the rush. By the fifth, you will already spend some time with your partner. Shared experiences will help you get better.

Bucket January 21 - February 18

You will be given additional responsibilities at work and demonstrate ability to organize within the debt system. You may have to work beyond what you usually need, even to find solutions to new problems - remember they are workable. Friday and Saturday will be characterized by high mobility - try to maintain flexibility and optimism, and don't believe everything they tell you. On the first and second, emotional security will be important to you, as well as involvement with family members. You will learn to compromise to reach consensus. On Tuesday and Wednesday, social gatherings can get out of control and reach deep friction - release, don't invest energy, move on. Thursday - Work day you will need to tick.

Fish February 19-March 20

New situations have recently been created, and you are aware of your new commitment. Among other things, you will have to make decisions without hesitation. On Friday and Saturday, you will prefer to host only people you know and trust. Mental stress will affect you - you may release energy in rearranging your home; Move furniture, swap photos or arrange closets. In the first and second you will be required to be open to the extraordinary things that you will encounter, test some new ideas and study. On Tuesday and Wednesday, trust matters will be at the center of important meetings. You will also be preoccupied with family tasks or agreements. Fifth, a social connection will slowly develop.

Aries March 21 - April 20

Stubbornness will characterize your choices. Note: Even if some things get lost in the process - you will not regret your choices. Still, it's an opportunity to rethink things. On Friday and Saturday, your intuition will be at its best, keep it open, know how to smooth friction, and find original solutions. The first and second may be an important purchase - check again if you can take on additional financial obligations. The peace and quiet will not be present. You will be active on the third and fourth, though you will have trouble doing everything you want to do. On the fifth, you stay home. In fact, you will want to be alone with yourself - and that's good!

Taurus April 21 - May 20

You will have to deal with a chore load at work. You seem to be flooded with information, which will make it hard for you to think independently. Your attempts to reach the truth will not succeed - it is better that you wait for the right time. On Friday and Saturday you will have to leave everything behind and not take the work home, physically and mentally. The energy you invest in it is excessive. In the first and second, you will do some extraordinary actions in trying to break through your social circle - openness will serve you. On Tuesday and Wednesday, events will come out of control, you will feel disturbed, perhaps as a result of involvement that is not convenient for you. On the fifth you will need to set your own agenda.

Twins May 21 - June 21

You have no desire to work and you are looking for a way to break free. There may be disruptions that "help" you to take time out and travel. What is for sure - you will not give up cultural experiences. Friday and Saturday will be characterized by social gatherings - an opportunity for new dating, just be aware that you are not drifting toward unplanned expenses. In the first and second, the desire to implement things will save you energy. Although you try to be effective, things will be missed and the results will not meet expectations. Notice: in a week or two you will realize that you have benefited from the same work. On the third and fourth, demonstrate a presence and present a clear position - just be careful with your words. On the fifth, a friend will ask you for advice.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

Feel that you have to contend for your place at work, which will make it hard for you to demonstrate confidence and independence. Don't worry, it is a passing feeling, after which you will return to normal and frame. On Friday and Saturday you will be open and know how to enjoy different experiences without building towers in the air. In the first and second you may find yourself emotionally involved in relationships with friends. In fact, you will feel impatient as the matter becomes more personal. On Tuesday and Wednesday, do not hesitate to ask for help to promote a program at work. Investing energy as individuals will only result in partial results. Fifth, the quest for independence may leave you isolated - think about it!

Lion July 23-August 22

You will have to deal with unexpected health problems and maintain an agenda. Understand that you need to get back to proper eating habits and live a neat lifestyle, as you used to. On Friday and Saturday, the conditions will allow you to take time out, read a book, listen to music and just rest. On the first and second, you will get hints of promotion. Notice: Do not believe in any promises - continue on your way, and you will gradually reach your desired destination. On the third and fourth you will find yourself at the center of things thanks to your professional abilities, people will ask you for help or advice - just don't go for engagements that don't concern you. Thursday will mark meetings and brainstorm.

Virgin August 23 - September 22

Someone will introduce you to the potential inherent in you, learn to trust yourself and express your way without fear of being hurt by someone. On Friday and Saturday you try to make order in the economic field, there may be clashes over shared financial resources. On the first and second you will have trouble sitting in one place and concentrating on the work, your need for mental experiences will make you hover - an opportunity for unique ideas, check if they are applicable in a few days, when you land. On the third and fourth, the experience related to your status at work will not be fully under your control, dealing with offers without getting collateral. Thursday will fit into social gatherings, you will receive positive feedback on who and what you are.

Libra September 23 - October 23

Feel renewed when it comes to home and family. You will learn how much you need a sense of belonging, along with needing support and getting help. Even if things don't go at your own pace, things will work out later. On Friday and Saturday you will feel part of the common framework, you will understand that it is worth compromising to achieve your goal. On the first and second you will not make an expense account. There may be intense relationships, which you will then break away from. You seem to do everything possible to not feel choked up in relationships. On Tuesday and Wednesday don't take on too much work, it will be easy for you to get into conflicts. Fifth, meeting an older person will help you move forward.

Scorpio October 24 - November 21

Spice up new chores at work, prove responsibility, and find solutions to what is required of you. Please note: Good maneuverability will help you get the most out of it. Friday and Saturday will be characterized by high mobility. Be more active, though you won't do everything you have planned - flexibility and openness will help you. In the first and second, in a relationship with emotional involvement, a new discovery is expected. Despite the unrest, the sense of belonging will be maintained. On the third and fourth, emotional experiences will allow you to let go, to go out and deal with temptations. You may meet a special person who, like you, thinks outside the box. Fifth, work-related meetings are expected, which will advance matters.

Rainbow November 22 - December 21

Some other experiences are expected, but you will love every moment, mainly because you can learn from them about yourself and your spouse. On Friday and Saturday you will be very emotional - try to avoid meetings outside the home, you may browse for engagements that do not concern you. Instead, favor the company of people you trust. On the first and second, employees are expected to attend a seminar, which will also incorporate social aspects. In the third and fourth, at each session you have, the degree of trust between you and the other party will affect the nature and content of the meeting. Thursday will be characterized by a spontaneous procurement system that may be experiential but will not meet your expectations.

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