The Limited Times

Iran responds to an American message regarding the assassination of Soleimani

1/3/2020, 6:17:10 PM

Tehran-Sana The Iranian Foreign Ministry announced today that it has handed over the Swiss ambassador to Tehran, whose country represents interests


The Iranian Foreign Ministry announced today that it has delivered the Swiss ambassador to Tehran, whose country represents Washington's interests, and Tehran's response to an American message that he conveyed to Iran.

In a statement to IRNA, the ministry spokesman, Abbas Moussawi, said, "This afternoon, the US interests sponsor in Tehran was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the second time, and he was informed of the response to America's message."

The Iranian Foreign Ministry had summoned earlier today the Swiss ambassador in Tehran after the assassination of the commander of the Quds Force in the Revolutionary Guards, General Qassem Soleimani, following the air aggression of the American forces in Baghdad.

The spokesman for the Iraqi Popular Mobilization announced at dawn today the death of Lieutenant-General Qassem Soleimani and Deputy Chairman of the Popular Mobilization Authority, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, as a result of an American missile attack that targeted their car after they left Baghdad Airport.