The Limited Times

China: The unilateral use of force is counter-productive

1/5/2020, 6:02:11 PM

Beijing-Sana, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed that unilateral use of force does not solve international problems, but rather


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed that unilateral use of force does not solve international problems but rather backfires, referring to the recent US attacks in Iraq that led to the martyrdom of Lieutenant-General Qassem Soleimani and Deputy Chairman of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Authority, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.

During a phone call with his French counterpart, Jean-Yves Le Drian, Wang pointed out that China and France, as permanent members of the UN Security Council, have important responsibilities in maintaining world peace and stability, stressing the need to play a constructive role in jointly maintaining the principles of the United Nations Charter and the basic norms of relations. International and opposing any unilateral use of force.

He pointed out that the nuclear agreement with Iran was an important result of international diplomacy, expressing his hope to maintain it.

For his part, Le Drian considered that his country opposes the use of force in international relations and calls for respecting the sovereignty of Iraqi lands and the need to preserve the nuclear agreement.