The Limited Times

5 things for this January 6: Dispute for the presidency of the National Assembly of Venezuela

1/6/2020, 11:23:51 AM

Military tension between the US increases and Iran after the death of General Soleimani. Harvey Weinstein faces his sexual abuse charges in court. Guaidó is reelected as president of the Power ...

Military tension between the US increases and Iran after the death of General Soleimani. Harvey Weinstein faces his sexual abuse charges in court. Guaidó is re-elected as president of the Legislative Power in Venezuela. Also, for your own good, do not abbreviate 2020. This is what you should know to start the day. First the truth. Subscribe to the newsletter.

1. What we know after the death of Qasem Soleimani

Tension between the United States and Iran persists following the US military action that resulted in the death of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani on Friday. Trump said he ordered the attack to "stop a war, not start it." Iran threatened a "strong revenge," according to its supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The US president replied that if they are attacked, they will impact 52 targets in Iran. For its part, the Iraqi parliament demanded from the Iraqi government a plan to end the presence of foreign troops in that country, a decision that Trump soon answered with ... another threat. This is what we know.

2. The dispute over the presidency of the National Assembly of Venezuela

On Sunday, in a session held outside the premises of the National Assembly of Venezuela, the deputy and opposition leader Juan Guaidó was ratified as president of the Legislative Power. With a nominal and face-to-face vote of 100 deputies, between principals and alternates, Guaidó was elected for a new period. Previously, the ruling party had carried out an act of swearing inside the official Parliament building where, without any vote, they appointed Deputy Luis Parra, former member of the First Justice party, as the new president of the National Assembly of Venezuela. Follow the details, here.

3. Harvey Weinstein goes to trial

This Monday, the disgraced mogul, producer Harvey Weinstein, will face charges of predatory sexual assault, first-degree criminal sex, first-degree rape and third-degree rape in court. Dozens of women accuse Weinstein of sexual abuse, today at 67, who has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

4. Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas

The new trends in technology will be exhibited at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, which opened on January 5. New in 5G, in innovation for cars, artificial intelligence, televisions and even sex toys will have this space that will go until Friday, January 10. From this Monday, follow the coverage of CNN in Spanish about this event.

5. Joaquin Phoenix's 'Joker' triumphs in the Golden Globe

The film '1917' awarded Sam Mendes the award in the category of Best Director; actor Joaquin Phoenix won his statuette in the Best Drama Actor category thanks to his performance in the film 'Joker' and Renée Zellweger won the Best Drama Actress award for her role as Judy Garland in the film 'Judy'. Meet all the winners of the 77th delivery of the Golden Globe awards.


At coffee time

Do not abbreviate 2020, it is for your own good

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The day's figure

20 years

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the announcement of the dollarization of the monetary system in Ecuador. The country faced a severe economic crisis and the measure was adopted to curb the ravages of inflation and the devaluation of the sucre.


The date of the day

“May this serve as a WARNING that if Iran attacks any American or US asset, we aim at 52 Iranian sites, some of very high level and important for Iran and Iranian culture, and those goals, and Iran itself, WILL BE HITTED VERY QUICK AND VERY HARD ”

Trump's threat on Twitter on Saturday after the attack on Qasem Soleimani.

And to finish…

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