The Limited Times

Series A: Juve starts again with poker, Atalanta another five

1/6/2020, 4:11:45 PM

Juventus starts again in fourth and at the Stadium it trims four goals to Cagliari, the third defeat in a row, with a great Cristiano Ronaldo, author of a hat-trick (the quyarta goal is by Higuain). (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 06 - Juventus starts again in fourth and at the Stadium they trim four goals against Cagliari, at the third defeat defiles, with a great Cristiano Ronaldo, author of a hat-trick (the quyarta goal is by Higuain). Atalanta is even better than after five goals against AC Milan in the last season, before announcing it with another pokerissimo, this time against Parmasepolto 5-0: the nets bear the signature of Gomez, Gosens, Freulere Ilicic (double ). Thanks to these successes, the Bianconeri return momentarily lonely at the top of the standings with 42 points, waiting for the Napoli-Inter evening postponement, while Ibergamaschi return to be below the Champions zone, -1 from Roma fourth and defeated yesterday.
Milan does not participate in this harvest of goals, stopped at 0-0 in San Siro by a tough Sampdoria, who came very close to the advantage at least in two circumstances with Gabbiadini. Ibrahimovic's debut with the new jersey did not bring luck to the Rossoneri, now in 12th place with 22 points, against 16 of the Blucerchiati, now + 2 from third to last place. (HANDLE).