The Limited Times

Loose Presenter Soup confirms that 7 tumors were removed

1/7/2020, 10:23:18 PM

Juan Manuel Cortés, host of Suelta La Sopa, informed that during his operation he had to move his intestines.

Yesterday, minutes before his operation, Juan Manuel Cortés , host of Suelta La Sopa , informed his followers that he was ready to undergo surgery in which a tumor in his abdomen would be removed, which fortunately was benign.

But now, the Colombian communicator said that he is well after being operated, but surprised his fans by pointing out that it was not just a tumor that was found, but that there were seven in total.

WITH MESSAGE: Presenter of Release The Soup uploads photo minutes before its operation

“Thank you for your prayers! It wasn't a single tumor, it turned out there were seven! But thank God, they all took them away. It was a long and quite complex operation, but very successful. They had to move the intestines, because the tumors were behind it, ”Juan Manuel began.

And he added, “Thank you to everyone who thought of me and sent me a good vibe. Besides, I can't be more blessed. I have the company of my mother and great friends who take care of me and consent to me. Thank God! ”#Fe #Certeza #Kabbalah #Love # Healing”, thus ended his message.

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The same driver reported that he is well and that he will now be in a recovery process, in addition to thanking his family and friends for including him in his prayers. He also received hundreds of messages of support and good vibes from several celebrities, including his partner Jorge Bernal , actress Litzy and others.


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