The Limited Times

Online enrollments at school, over 82 thousand applications sent

1/7/2020, 10:02:23 PM

Azzolina: families are calm. Deadline closes at 8pm on 31st (ANSA)

To start the enrollment today in view of the new school year was the designated Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, from her Fb profile. "It is a well-established procedure - he wrote in one of his first messages since Prime Minister Conte announced that he will take the place of Lorenzo Fioramonti, who resigned shortly before Christmas - which the Ministry has been working on for months and which we will oversee until the last day. Our school system needs, like all complex systems, adjustments. " The day therefore closes with the first tranche of data relating to online registrations - with the data photographed at 18 - which were equal to 82,770 as regards those entered and 95,614 those entered. A spike in requests, according to Miur, amounted to 48% more than last year. Not to mention that the choice of the institution to attend in the 2020-2021 school year has already been made by 5.2% of families. "Ours - continues Azzolina - is a school that works, families must therefore face this moment with serenity. As well as the children". All this without forgetting that "whoever is choosing the second grade school experiences a delicate moment. I know. I say it as a professor. It is the moment when a student begins to look at his future, even at work. In this regard, it should be remembered with clarity to the children and their parents that there are no schools and addresses in Serie A and Serie B. Each student chooses not based on fashions, but on his or her aspirations and inclinations, with an eye also to the labor market ", concluded the minister , referring in this passage to the boys who must choose high school. A survey released in these hours has shown that this year too the indecision dominates among the very young who must enroll in secondary schools, from high schools to technical and professional institutes: almost 1 in 2 (44%) before the holidays Christmas still did not know which address to choose.
From 8 this morning to 20 on Friday 31 January 2020, it is therefore possible to submit the application for registration; the procedure is via the web via the online registration portal. Enrollment in school is compulsory for pupils of the first and primary schools of first and second grade. The application for registration must also be submitted online for the training courses of the Vocational Training Centers in the regions that have joined the procedure (Calabria, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Molise, Piedmont, Sardinia, Sicily, Umbria and Veneto). For kindergartens, however, the procedure remains paper-based. Membership in the online enrollment system for peer institutions remains optional.
Meanwhile the 'unpacking' of the Miur - Azzolina will be Minister of Education, Gaetano Manfredi of the University and Research - with the decree that should be approved by the end of the week and the subsequent oath of the two new ministers, has slowed down the table of march agreed between the unions and the ex education minister Lorenzo Fioramonti on 19 December last. "It is necessary - says the secretary of the Flc CGIL, Francesco Sinopoli - to resume the comparison quickly as the timing of the meetings established by the agreement was aimed at ensuring the start of the competitions in good time to guarantee the immissions in the role of the next school year. There are many topics on the table and all require solutions in a short time: first of all, the organization of the extraordinary competition, for which we ask for the publication of the test database, the definition of the score reserved for the service, the timing of execution and how to participate. " The fear is that the delay in the publication of the calls for competitions - they must have already been published at the end of 2019 - could lead to the boom of over 250 thousand precarious teachers in Italian schools on September 1, 2020. (ANSA).

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