The Limited Times

[Shancheng Lunar New Year's Eve] Main Street "Long Life Incline" Office of Lunar New Year's Eve

1/8/2020, 2:35:12 PM

The FEHD announced in November last year that this year ’s Lunar New Year market will cancel the dry goods area. Only wet goods and fast food stalls will be set up at that time. Since then, many areas have spontaneously organized the Lunar New Year activities. A group of district councillors from the Central and Western District also initiated the "Shancheng New Year's Eve", selecting the steep site of the main street of Xiyingpan, recruiting neighborhoods to make hand-made stalls, small shops, cultural performances and environmental festival workshops. According to the district councillors, about 40 applications have been received. I hope to use this to promote environmentally friendly consumption habits and build a community economic circle, which will give new ideas to the "New Year's Eve" and bring new life to the community.

District 18 News

Written by: Lu Nuojun

2020-01-08 22:28

Last updated: 2020-01-08 22:28

The FEHD announced in November last year that this year ’s Lunar New Year market will cancel the dry goods area. Only wet goods and fast food stalls will be set up at that time. Since then, many areas have spontaneously organized the Lunar New Year activities. A group of district councillors from the Central and Western District also initiated the "Shancheng New Year's Eve", selecting the steep site of the main street of Xiyingpan, recruiting neighborhoods to make hand-made stalls, small shops, cultural performances and environmental festival workshops. According to the district councillors, about 40 applications have been received. I hope to use this to promote environmentally friendly consumption habits and build a community economic circle, which will give new ideas to the "New Year's Eve" and bring new life to the community.

A group of members of the Central and Western District initiated the "Summer Festival" in the hope of building a community economic circle. (FB picture)

Inheriting history and uniting communities

The event was co-organized by more than a dozen members of the Central and Western District, including Zhang Qixin, Huang Yongzhi, Ye Jinlong, Peng Jiahao, and Huang Jianjing. Zhang Qixin said that they are all new district councillors. They are organizing the Lunar New Year's Eve to hope that they can bring some new activities to the district during the new term. The episodes are lively and prosperous, but since the stall hawkers settled in the market, the neighborhood has lost a community gathering place. "So I have all chosen to go back to the New Year's Eve and want to inherit the history and reunite back to the community."

In the past, the main street of Xiyingpan Main Street was as lively and prosperous as Jiaxian Street and Jiezhi Street Market, and it was a community gathering place. (Profile picture / Photo by Huang Weimin)

`` Long-Life Slope '' frequent community activities are meaningful to the neighborhood

"In the past, wet goods and restaurants were opened, and the diagonal roads were a big problem, but they could have a different perspective." Zhang Qixin pointed out that although the main street is a "long-life oblique", they have also held screenings in the past, etc. Activities, I think the place is very meaningful to the neighborhood. She also explained what a "community economic circle" means. "In the past when there was no West Island Line, neighbours were used to spending in the area, and people were close to each other. The MTR took away neighbourhoods, neighbours and shops. There is little humanity among the residents, so I really want to return. "

There will be no dry goods stalls in the Lunar New Year Fair organized by the government. (Profile picture / Photo by Lin Ruoqin)

Promote environmentally friendly plastic-free consumption habits

Zhang Qixin said that, as with other events in the past, they had already submitted a paper application for organizing the "Shancheng New Year's Eve" more than a month ago and are still waiting for approval. They also revealed that about 40 stall applications have been received so far, most of which are from districts. Inners have suggested that "every area has a New Year's Eve, and it can be different from others. I think the" region "is important." This time, the sub-theme is "Promote environmentally friendly and plastic-free consumption habits", so there will be environmental protection and animals. Various stalls such as protection are available for visitors to visit.

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18 District News Central and Western District Lunar New Year Market

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