The Limited Times

Bolivia and Mexico make first approach after diplomatic crisis

1/8/2020, 5:29:24 PM

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the interim Government of Jeanine Áñez met with the new interim Chargé d'affaires in Mexico. It is the first approach after the d-crisis of f ...

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Bolivia against Mexico and Spain: from accusations to the expulsion of diplomats 3:01

(CNN Spanish) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia, Karen Longaric, received on Tuesday the new interim Chargé d'affaires of Mexico, Edmundo Font, informed the Bolivian Foreign Ministry in a tweet.

"At the meeting, which lasted more than an hour and a half, issues of common interest of the two countries were discussed," the Government said in a publication accompanied by a photograph showing both officials.

The new Chargé d'Affaires ai de # México in #Bolivia, Edmundo Font visited the Foreign Ministry to make a protocol greeting to the Minister @KarenLongaric today. At the meeting, which lasted more than an hour and a half, issues of common interest of the two countries were discussed.

- Bolivia Ministry of Foreign Affairs (@MRE_Bolivia) January 7, 2020

  • READ: Complaints of “interference” and expulsions of diplomatic personnel: what we know about the tension between Bolivia, Mexico and Spain

Font arrived in Bolivia on Friday after December 30, 2019, the interim Government of Jeanine Áñez expelled the then ambassador of Mexico in that country, María Teresa Mercado, for the incident that was recorded at her residence in La Paz, where former former government officials of former President Evo Morales remain isolated.

The Bolivian Government denounced that what happened was intended to facilitate that the former asylum-seekers, who have a warrant for capture, leave the residence of the Mexican ambassador. This statement was rejected by the Governments of Mexico and Spain.

Crisis in Bolivia