The Limited Times

Tunisia: seized a quantity of weapons sent from the Turkish system to Libya

1/8/2020, 2:20:18 PM

Tunis-Sana The Tunisian Ministry of the Interior announced today the seizure of a quantity of weapons in southern Tunisia sent by the Turkish regime


The Tunisian Ministry of the Interior announced today the seizure of a quantity of weapons in southern Tunisia, sent by the Turkish regime, to the government of reconciliation in Libya.

And Tunisian media quoted the ministry spokesman Khaled Al-Hayouni as saying: "The quantity of weapons seized on the night of the fifth of this month in the Bani Khaddash region of Medenine, in the south of the country, was coming from Turkey to Libya."

Al-Hayouni indicated that 5 persons were arrested in connection with the issue of the aforementioned weapons that were smuggled through Tataouine to reach the Feriana area in Kasserine Governorate.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan's regime has sent large quantities of weapons and ammunition to terrorist organizations in Libya in recent years, taking advantage of the chaos in them after the NATO aggression in 2011, and the Turkish Parliament recently voted to send Turkish forces to Libya within the framework of the Turkish regime's ambitions and interference Travel in the affairs of this country.

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