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"Big Brother": Ugly and ugly blast between Oren Hazan and Asif Elkayam | Israel today

1/9/2020, 11:20:18 AM

Oren: "You are worse than Arabs and leftists" • Asif: "I despise you" • The fight that continued into the night reached personal and ugly streaks in my place

Asif: "You impose your discourse on the whole house" • Oren: "You are worse than Arabs and leftists" • Asif: "I despise you" • A quarrel between the permanent tenant and his former boss continued into the night and reached personal and ugly streaks

  • Vocal quarrel between Oren Hazan and Asif Elkayam at "Big Brother" // screenshot, from Channel 26

Cold outside, boiling inside: A few hours after the third episode of "Big Brother", a huge drama took place in the "Big Brother", whose buds could already be identified by the end of last night's episode (Wednesday).

After almost every tenant in the "Big Brother" quarreled with the temporary tenant Oren Hazan, who is expected to leave the house on Saturday night, his former spokesman Asif Elkayam also decided that he was tired of the former MK's behavior. A long talk into the night exploded around 2am, with harsh accusations of each other, including unresolved disagreements from Alkim's tenure as Hazan's spokesman, after MK Amir Ohana's parliamentary adviser.

For all the news about "Big Brother" click on the picture

It all started when Asif asked to talk to Oren about his behavior to the tenants, which caused everyone to talk about him behind their backs, upset and even threatened to retire from reality. Asif claims that Oren is constantly shouting and taking over conversations, causing antagonism towards him and a murky atmosphere.

"You impose your discourse on the whole house," Asif told Oren as they sat opposite each other and all the while Hazan came into his words, in exactly the way Asif talked about him. "If you break into things I will get up and go, threatened Asif," Listen to me to the end. "

"The reason I'm breaking in on you is because there's no other way to talk to you," Asif explained the angry tone he was talking about. "You will not receive criticism in life. I raise your voice because you are not listening."

Oren: "You have no right to raise my voice. You are not my father and you will not educate me and only those outside will judge me here or there," said the former MK in a calm and confident tone.

Asif: "From the time you entered people here knives," Asif was still trying to explain to Hazan why he wanted to talk to him, but from that moment on, the two continually entered each other's words.

Asif: "I don't owe you anything, but I respect you ...".

Oren: "It's not an honor, it's far from an honor ...".

Asif: "The section you told me ... that the previous boss (Amir Ohana, RI) called and told me not to get me to work, that's a very low point you went down to. You know very well that I can go down to low places too and I won't. .. ".

Oren: "I'm telling you inside."

Asif: "No, you told me in the face just because I confronted you with it ... even if you think I do not respect you I do respect you ...".

Oren: "You don't respect me, you shout at me next to everyone. It doesn't respect me ... Don't shout at me ...".

Asif: "Unlike you, there are things I don't go down to, I shut my mouth, you know that."

Oren: "I thought you knew me, apparently not."

Asif: "I think I do know you."

Oren: "What you want to tell will tell, I have no problem, I have nothing to hide, nothing scares me."

Asif: "I can go low and avoid ...".

Oren: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Asif: "I think you know ...".

Oren: "I have no idea and it's irrelevant. One thing - you're not yelling at me, I'm not your rag, I'm not your slave ...".

Asif: "You will not underestimate people here ... You are strong here on weak people ...".

Oren: "Are you weak?"

Asif: "I'm really not weak, I'm super strong, I'm mega strong ...".

Oren: "You know why I'm strong on you?"

Asif: "You are not strong on me, you can feel that you are strong on me ...".

The debate continued into the night // screenshot

At that point, Asif claimed that Oren was talking about him behind his back nonstop. "You looked at someone else and talked about me ...".

Oren: "My wise wife told me that a person you don't feel is just ignoring him."

Asif: "But you didn't ignore it ...".

Oren: "You don't know anything about your life ... you probably got confused."

Asif: "Oren, I'm sharper than ever."

Oren: "Ah ... you could argue that ... You may have been spared me, that's an option too."

Asif: "I have no spare, I have a full stomach ... also because of work ...".

Oren: "You want to go back to work, I will come back too, no problem."

Asif: "I don't want you to go back to work, you brought it up, you already got a bride ... say your boss called me and told me not to get you to work ?!".

Although initially the two tried to keep a card or two hidden, during the debate, as stated, it became clear that the intention was for Amir Ohana and the atmosphere was only deteriorating.

Oren Hazan: "When I finished my job, you worked in a place that was very connected to me ...".

Asif: "Amir Ohana - I will kiss his feet today, I admire him and you I despise ... My greatest fear is to be like you even a little bit, your whole life fails."

Oren: "You feel small next to me. You come here to get communication. I take your focus - you're worse off than Arabs and leftists."

Quarreled with almost all the homeowners // screenshot

As is well known, even before this vocal quarrel, Asif admitted to Big Brother that he was incompatible with his actions during his work with Hazan. "I produced wars ... I physically produced wars. I created them for him," he admitted, "I left a lot of shit behind. The speakers are something I left behind and I hid. .

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