The Limited Times

Citrus grove in town to discover the secrets of the blood orange

1/9/2020, 3:53:13 PM


Planting a real Sicilian citrus grove in the city, with real orange and lemon trees to bring children closer to the magical world of fruit. This is how Oranfrizer, the Italian leader for the distribution of Sicilian citrus fruits, thought of making the appointment between the blood orange, like lava from Etna, with schools and families more fun. The 'Il Giardino delle Arance' initiative is itinerant and will take place from 17 January to 1 February in nine cities of Tuscany on the occasion of the 'Citrus Feast' event organized by Unicoop Firenze. Small play and tasting areas will be created in Prato, Arezzo, Navacchio, Siena, Lucca. To these stages will be added four other destinations, where citrus groves can also be visited by some primary schools in Florence, Empoli, Sesto Fiorentino and Agliana. In the Oranfrizer Orange Garden you will know every phase of the phenological development of citrus fruits, from the blossoming of orange blossom to the colorful ripening of the fruits. Children will play with many varieties of citrus fruits, will learn to recognize them and will be able to taste them for free. They will discover that on the label of all citrus fruits there is the story of their history, their origin and their name. There will be a sort of goose game, The Path of Oranges, where crossing the mini citrus grove planted by Oranfrizer the little ones will be able to discover closely what happens in Sicily among the orange trees and how the farmer takes care of it every day . The initiative, which will be presented by Egle Zapparrata and Salvo Laudani on January 16 in the Agorà del Marca Fresh in Bologna, will be an opportunity for everyone to increase their food awareness.