The Limited Times

Di Maio: an embargo on arms in Libya

1/9/2020, 12:32:24 PM

In Libya "there are interferences from external States" and for this "we must find a solution with the EU in order to have an arms embargo adopted". This was stated by Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio from Algiers. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 9 - In Libya "there are interferences from external States" and for this "we must find a solution with the EU in order to have an arms embargo adopted". This was stated by Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio da Algeri. Libya, he added, "is a national security problem that we face with all our strength. We will push for a date for the Berlin conference to be identified as soon as possible. We must put all the interlocutors around a table and find a solution".

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