The Limited Times

Harry and Meghan pull straight, fury at Buckingham Palace

1/9/2020, 11:41:30 AM

The British royals - from the queen, to the heir to the throne Charles, to Prince William - say they are "wounded" (ANSA)

The British royals - from the queen, to the heir to the throne Charles, to Prince William - say they are "wounded", according to unofficial palace sources for the announcement of Harry and Meghan of the renunciation of the status of "senior members" of the Windsor house and of taking away from the Royal Family. But the truth, insiders cited today by all the media of the Kingdom, from tabloids to the swamp BBC, reveal that they are "very upset": "very irritated" in the literal version, "furious" in the translation most accredited by court manners to language current. To offend them, several commentators explain, is not so much the will of the Dukes of Sussex to emancipate themselves and to start working to become "financially independent" over time; or the choice of dividing their time between the United Kingdom and North America (Canada in the first place). How much the precipitous way of their announcement, which took place unilaterally and without being agreed with anyone, according to what was eventually learned: including 93-year-old Elizabeth II. An announcement on which there are moreover at the moment steps back.

Harry and Meghan actually seem to want to pull straight. After the statement last night, they made it known, among other things, that they wanted to have an autonomous media strategy from now on: ignoring the real correspondents - against the background of the controversy taking place with many British newspapers, accused by Harry of persecuting his wife a bit like what happened with his mother Diana - and in the future favoring "young journalists" or "specialized" publications. There are also questions, criticisms and doubts about the real consequences of the blatant 'turning point'. In particular on the annual appanage of over 2 million pounds, taxpayers' money that the Sussex now receive from the Queen through the Prince of Wales and which in fact do not seem to want to give up immediately, waiting to become "independent"; also suggesting that we are ready to continue receiving individual 'fees' in the future related to the official part-time commitments that are said to be willing to continue and that the sovereign will want to entrust to them. Meanwhile, anti-monarchist organizations such as Republic seize the ball to question the privileges of the dukes as well as of the whole dynasty, fearing, among other things, an increase in the costs borne by British citizens - already called to finance in recent months nearly 3 million jobs for the restoration of the English Sussex residence of Frogmore Cottage - for the safety and travel expenses of Harry, Meghan and little Archie in the announced new life straddling the ocean. Costs difficult to eliminate even as a real junior.