The Limited Times

Iran issues the primary report of the Ukrainian plane crash

1/9/2020, 7:35:52 AM

Tehran-Sana The Civil Aviation Organization of Iran released the preliminary report of the Ukrainian plane crash near


The Civil Aviation Organization of Iran released the preliminary report of the accident of the Ukrainian plane crash near the capital, Tehran, yesterday.

The Iranian News Agency, IRNA, quoted the head of the organization, Ali Abedzadeh, as saying in a press statement today that the black boxes of the plane related to recording flight information related to recording the plane’s cabin sound were found, as they were handed over to the accident investigation team, indicating that damage was caused to the two boxes, but that any damage He did not join the memory section in them.

On the flight conditions of the plane, he said that the plane flew to an altitude of 8,000 feet first, and then the flight information related to it disappeared from the radar page, as the plane lost its height and hit the ground.

He pointed out that no radio message had been received from the pilot about the presence of abnormal conditions, pointing out that, according to eyewitnesses, fire had been seen in the plane, and then its range and consequently the impact on the ground expanded.

He explained that after the take-off, the plane headed towards the west, and after the occurrence of the problem, it turned to the right and then crashed into the ground on a path indicating the pilot's intention to return to the airport and the plane fell in the vicinity of a park in the region.

He pointed out that the plane was carrying 167 passengers and 9-person crew, and that 146 of the passengers were carrying Iranian passports, 10 Afghans, 5 Canadian, 4 Swedish and 2 Ukrainians, while the nine crew members were Ukrainians.

Yesterday morning, Iranian sources reported that a Boeing 737 passenger plane of Ukrainian Airlines had crashed after taking off from Imam Khomeini Airport on the outskirts of Brund city, south of the capital, Tehran. The Iranian authorities also announced the death of all the passengers and the 176 crew.

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