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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry seek reconciliation congratulating Kate Middleton?

1/9/2020, 5:26:24 PM

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, in the midst of the scandal of their desire to give up royalty, congratulated Kate Middleton on her birthday.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry wished a happy birthday to the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton , but not as many expected. There was no official postcard on the Instagram timeline of the still Dukes of Sussex, they only left a comment on the photograph they posted on the Kensington Palace profile.

Among many comments of good wishes stands out the controversial dukes who recently surprised to announce that they want to separate from royalty and live in North America. "Wishing today a happy birthday to the Duchess of Cambridge!" Reads the brief message.

Of course, this suggests that there is still a good relationship between both brothers and sisters-in-law, since it has been rumored since mid-2019 that the spirits are tense within royalty, and more now after the shocking news of resignation.

Photo: Instagram / @ kensingtonroyal

This does not change the fact that Meghan and Harry have not been invited to the previous celebrations of Kate's birthday that took place in Anmer Hall, residence of British royalty located in Norflok, United Kingdom.

Some media detailed that among the 37 guests were not the second son of Princess Diana and the actress. There are already two consecutive years in which the absence of the Dukes of Sussex is noted.

Many are unaware of the reasons why both families fragmented their relationship, but British media, which are the closest to the situation, indicate that it all started after the announcement made by Meghan and Harry to make their own foundation.

On June 20, 2019 they announced that they were leaving the Royal Foundation, and although it was said that the decision had been made to guarantee the social work and responsibilities of both royal families, it was at that time that they began talking about a strong break .

Even Harry in an interview implied that something was happening, was not specific, but his words impacted the world media, "Part of this role, part of this job and this family is being under pressure all the time and when that happens things happen inevitably. But we are brothers. We will always be brothers. "

"We are certainly on different paths right now, but I will always be there for him. And I know he will always be there for me. We don't see each other as much as before because we are very busy, but I love him very much," Harry continued.

Regarding the wish of Prince Harry and Meghan, Queen Elizabeth II reacted and issued a statement in Buckingham Palace where he explained that this was a complicated matter to resolve, "The discussions with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are just in their initial stage. We understand your desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to resolve. "

Meanwhile there was time to celebrate Kate Middleton, and in the official Instagram account The Royal Family a tender collage was published in which photos of her majesty and the Duchess of Cambridge abound.

Unfortunately, Kate Middleton's party is mired in controversy, but everyone has still wished her a happy day.


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