The Limited Times

Over 65 Italians less 'social' than European peers

1/9/2020, 2:26:13 PM

Bicocca, and supported by the Cariplo Foundation, in fact, only 7% of the over 65 in 2016 used social networks, against 16% of the European average. (HANDLE)

The elderly in Italy are much less 'social' than their European peers: according to a study conducted within the project Aging in a Networked Society, coordinated by Emanuela Sala, professor of the Sociology and social research department of Milano-Bicocca, and supported by Fondazione Cariplo, in fact, only 7% of the over 65 in 2016 used social networks, against 16% of the European average.
The results of the research will be presented on January 13 at the Bicocca University, an opportunity to present other studies on the relationship between the elderly and new technologies.
Thanks to a monitoring App, for example, which made it possible to analyze the use of social networks by 30 Auser volunteers from Monza between 65 and 75 years of age, it was seen that on average the elderly consult the smartphone 127 times per day for a total of one hour and 8 minutes and an average time of 32 seconds at a time. The most popular social networks are primarily WhatsApp (52%), followed by Facebook (36%), YouTube (10%), LinkedIn (1%) and Instagram (1%).