The Limited Times

Venice: dry canals, tide reaches -50cm

1/9/2020, 1:32:13 PM

Low water arrives in Venice, the so-called "dry shoals of the Befana", which today recorded a level of -50 centimeters on the middle sea. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - VENICE, JAN 9 - The low water arrives in Venice, that of the 'Befana shoals', which today has registered a level of -50 centimeters on the middle sea. No difficulty for the public transport that follows the main channels, but for those who simulate in internal rivers, such as gondolas, there are some obstacles.
In recent times many canals have been restored with the wet method (i.e. with dredging) and not with the more effective 'dry' system, closing the canals to remove the sludge and arrange the banks. The lack of funds does not allow. According to sources of the municipal administration, the areas most affected by the shallow water are the San Polo and SantaCroce districts with some problems for emergency services such as the passage of hydro ambulances and firefighters. The Centro tides recalls the sequence from 16 to 19 February 2008 with recent series of minisconds: -60, -75, -83 and -71. More recently, however, a -66 was recorded on December 29, 2016 and -66 on January 30, 2018.