The Limited Times

Leonardo DiCaprio donates $ 3 million against fires in Australia

1/10/2020, 5:53:13 PM

With his foundation for the environment he creates aid fund (ANSA)

Leonardo DiCaprio takes the field for Australia and says he will donate three million dollars to contribute to efforts to put out the fires that are bringing much of the country to its knees. Through its environmental organization Earth Alliance, the Hollywood star created the Australia Wildfire Fund to help with an "international response to catastrophic fires".
The flames burned twice the area of ​​the US state of Maryland, killed at least 25 people and destroyed 2,000 homes. DiCaprio has therefore joined a growing list of celebrities who are donating funds for Australia, from Chris Hemsworth to Elton John, via Nicole Kidman. And the DiCaprio foundation has already donated millions of dollars to fight the fires that devastated the Amazon rainforest last year.