The Limited Times

Serie A: Inter Atalanta, the lineups

1/10/2020, 4:47:19 PM

Gasperini: Inter for the Scudetto, we for Europe (ANSA)

Winning would be important, we are talking about a strong team, the best in the league. They continue to grow, it is much stronger than last year. It is a demanding test for us. I expect a very intense game, a physical game that will be played at important intensities by both teams '': this is how Inter Milan coach Antonio Conte presents the match against Atalanta tomorrow night at San Siro. '' Gasperini is doing a great job, the quality of the rose has been increasing over the years. They are making a truly important growth path. I congratulate Giampiero: I had no doubts because he is a great worker ''.

Gasperini: Inter for the Scudetto, we for Europe - Atalanta is at the appointment with the leaders aware of the technical gap: "Inter aim with merit for the Scudetto, our target in these years is around 70 points and we already have 34. Our title is certainly not the title, but Europe is ". The premise is for Gian Piero Gasperini to explain the challenge that will be: "A test for our credibility, to verify how close or far we are from a top team - continues the Nerazzurri coach - We must be very satisfied with where we are, then in the single matches can happen anything. With Lazio and Juventus we have had excellent matches, the goal is to measure ourselves in the best possible way ". Gasperini does not deny that it will be a war between different football strategies and philosophies: "The modules are seven like the notes, but by interpreting them variously you can write billions of songs. Those of the two contenders of San Siro are quite similar, but different in the way of conceiving the two phases. On our part there is the impact force of Lautaro and Lukaku. " The Bergamo are full staff, the Milanese do not: "In the absence of tomorrow, Inter can make up for it. He has two disqualified players (Barella and Skriniar, ed) and D'Ambrosio, during the championship there are no defections that weigh". From here Gomez and Pasalic will play between the lines behind Ilicic only point: "Duvan Zapata is recovered from the physical point of view and has already played a piece with Parma, now he must be recovered on the field: we have three games in nine days, with the eighth of the Italian Cup in Florence and the Spal, to get him back from the first minute ".

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