The Limited Times

Airbnb offers free accommodation in Puerto Rico

1/11/2020, 7:59:14 PM

The Airbnb Open Homes program is offering “temporary and free housing to those who need it” after the Puerto Rico earthquakes, according to the site.

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This was the sway of cars during the earthquake in Puerto Rico 0:31

(CNN) - The Airbnb Open Homes program is offering “temporary and free housing to those who need it” after the Puerto Rico earthquakes, according to the site.

"Relief workers, neighbors who have had to evacuate and others affected by the event" are eligible to reserve rooms at no cost, says Airbnb.

  • MIRA: 6.0 magnitude quake shakes Puerto Rico

"If you have been displaced or are helping with relief efforts, you can book free accommodation between January 9, 2020 and January 31, 2020," the site said.

Residents can also donate space for those who need temporary housing, according to Airbnb.

  • MORE: FEMA indicates “significant progress” in energy restoration in Puerto Rico

La Fortaleza, the operations center of the Executive Branch of Puerto Rico, tweeted on Saturday about the company's program and directed anyone who needed the resource to the site.

. @ Airbnb offers free accommodation for victims of the telluric movements of recent days. The company activated the Open Homes disaster program.

- La Fortaleza (@fortalezapr) January 11, 2020

The online hosting market has provided free temporary housing to people displaced by natural disasters, conflicts and diseases through its Open Homes programs for several years.

More about the recent tremors in Puerto Rico:

  • Power cuts in Puerto Rico could last for months
  • National Guard in Puerto Rico warns of funds for earthquake recovery
  • Elders and hospitals, the most affected by the lack of energy in Puerto Rico
  • Some Puerto Ricans lost their homes after the earthquake

Airbnb Earthquake Tremor