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Anne Hidalgo: "I am a candidate for a new mandate as mayor of Paris"

1/11/2020, 6:08:31 PM

“I want to continue transforming Paris. Anne Hidalgo announces to the Parisian - Today in France her candidacy for re-election. His prog

Yes, Anne Hidalgo is a candidate for her own succession. The mayor of Paris announced it in an interview with the Parisian - Today in France, carried out on January 8 from his future campaign HQ, boulevard Sébastopol. From the first words, she rushes towards what will be the basis of her speech by March 15 and the first round of municipal elections: ecology.

HIS CANDIDACY. "I will campaign under the colors of Paris in common"

You will finish your term in a few weeks. Do you intend to request a second one?

Yes. I am a candidate for a new mandate as mayor of Paris. It is this city that I love, that fascinates me, to which I dedicate a large part of my life.

VIDEO. Anne Hidalgo: "I am a candidate for a new mandate as mayor of Paris"

Do you feel that you have not completed your task?

I want to continue the action started in 2001 and amplified in 2014. I want to continue to bring about the transformations that Paris needs. It is now a race against the clock. We have ten years to act in the face of the climate emergency.

In which district are you going to show up?

I present myself in the XIth arrondissement (Editor's note: where David Belliard, the EELV candidate for Paris also appears) , number 2 on the list of François Vauglin, the current mayor. It is a district which, for me, embodies very well what Paris is. The taste for difference, innovation, creation, celebration. This district was particularly marked by the terrorist attacks of 2015.

Will you campaign under the colors of the Socialist Party?

I will campaign under the colors of "Paris in common". This movement, which we have formed, brings together both women and men from the PS, the Communist Party, ecologists, Generation.s, centrists, humanists, but also Parisians who want to s 'to hire.

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What will be the place of women in the lists of "Paris en commun"?

I remind you first that I am a woman and head of the Paris list. With Rachida Dat i (LR) and Danielle Simonnet (France Insoumise), there are not so many of us… Women will be top of the list in the conquest districts for us, such as the 5th, 6th, 15th and 17th centuries.

In the second round, could you ally yourself, on the left, with France Insoumise and the ecologists, even the dissident macronist Cédric Villani?

Before talking about the second round, I'm interested in the first. I want to convince Parisians of the rally that exists and which is already very strong.

Can you make a commitment to the Parisians not to run for president in 2022 and to devote yourself to your mandate as mayor until 2026?

Obviously yes! I will not be a presidential candidate for 2022. My ambition is Paris. Mayor of Paris is the most beautiful of mandates.

READ ALSO> These unforeseen events that marked the mandate of Anne Hidalgo

What relationships do you have with Emmanuel Macron?

We meet regularly. Our relationships are good, fluid and direct. What they should be between the President of the Republic and the mayor of the capital.

ECOLOGY. "The center of Paris will be pedestrianized"

The foundation of your campaign is ecology. A first measurement?

On the bicycle, we will go even further by making Paris a “100% bicycle” city. New tracks, made for the comfort and safety of cyclists, will be laid out all over Paris, gaining in parking spaces. And new links will link the capital to the cities of Greater Paris.

Where will the cars park?

There are already a lot less and there will be less and less. We must remember that, for cleaner air, we will put an end to diesel in 2024 and to thermal engines by 2030. Vehicles, mostly electric, will be able to park in underground car parks or those of our social landlords where many places are available. But what matters is all the space we will give to Parisians, who are above all pedestrians.

And on the side of the green?

The city will be greener with its urban forests on the forecourt of the town hall, at the Gare de Lyon and behind the Opera. We will transform the surroundings of the Eiffel Tower between Place du Trocadéro and the Ecole Militaire. We will continue our major projects by redeveloping in particular the Place de la Concorde and the Place de l'Etoile along the lines of those of the Nation and the Bastille. The Champs-Elysées will be planted with trees. The center of Paris will be pedestrianized, and traffic will be limited in the first four arrondissements to residents, taxis, electric shuttles, emergency and delivery vehicles for shops and craftsmen and people with reduced mobility… Finally, two new large parks will emerge from the ground. One in the East, in the 12th century, in the new Bercy-Charenton district, which will link the Bois de Vincennes to the Parc de Bercy. The other in the West, in the 15th century, to replace the heliport.

READ ALSO> The pedestrianization of tracks on the bank, from controversy to consensus

You do not plan, like your competitor Gaspard Gantzer, to remove the device?

We have long been engaged in discussions with the mayors of neighboring municipalities to transform the ring road. On this issue, we must move forward together, as on the redevelopment of the gates of Paris. I want to transform these doors into places. I will start with the door of the Chapel where the inhabitants have been hard hit in recent years. I want to make it an entry into Paris worthy of the Esplanade des Invalides.

So it's off to work if you're re-elected?

There will be no moratorium (laughs) . Paris is a city whose pipes are sometimes 150 years old: the work of modernization is permanent. I know it was difficult and I thank the Parisians for it. We will inherit the Olympic and Paralympic Games, three swimming pools on the Seine in the heart of Paris. Imagine. It will be another city.

Do you want to change your model?

The question is: how do you want to live in Paris in five years, in ten years? Food must be healthier on our plates. The canteens will be 100% organic as we have already done for the nurseries. And to continue our actions in favor of urban agriculture - 100 hectares are currently cultivated - two large vegetable gardens will be developed in the woods of Vincennes and Boulogne.

HOUSING. "Maintaining the framework for rents is an imperative"

Paris, Wednesday January 8, 2020.Anne Hidalgo in her future campaign HQ, boulevard Sébastopol. / LP / Olivier Arandel

Housing is a central concern. What will you do?

Clearly, the first of the difficulties for Parisians is to find accommodation, even if a lot has been done since 2001. We were then at 13% social housing. At the end of my mandate, we will be at 22.6%. Concretely, it is 550,000 people, of the middle class and popular categories, who can continue to live in Paris thanks to the action of the municipality.

That does not prevent the capital from losing 11,000 inhabitants per year ...

We will increase the share of social and intermediate housing in Paris to 25% in 2025. This will maintain families and popular categories in Paris through the production of housing. And in the private sector, I will continue to regulate rents. It is imperative.

How will you proceed to better accommodate Parisians?

New housing and office transformation are needed. But we have to go much further. We must intervene very strongly against the abuse of seasonal rental platforms of the Airbnb type. I'm not talking about Airbnb, which allows you to make ends meet, that of the sharing economy. I am talking about the 60,000 housing units that have been withdrawn from the rental market, upsetting the face of certain neighborhoods. Before summer 2020, I will organize a referendum on this issue so that Parisians can decide the rules of the game.

Are we talking about the maximum rental period?

Yes, for example to lower it to 30 days (Editor's note: against 90 days currently).

Why a referendum since, in the end, you don't have the power to decide the maximum number of nights?

To allow Parisians to express themselves. Their voices will make a difference. Airbnb does not pose the same problems in Paris and in a commune which sees tourists coming thanks to this system.

Other measures?

We have not yet tried everything to put an end to the logic of pure speculation which still too often agitates this market. I will bring together banks, insurance companies, property companies and large companies to get them involved in the production of intermediate housing for the middle classes. My idea is to tell them: you must help us create housing at affordable prices, at least 20% below the market, with two or three bedrooms so that people can live there as a family with their children. We can recover empty offices, garages or unoccupied buildings.

SECURITY. "There will be 5000 agents"

Where are you with the municipal police?

I take the gamble that the day after the municipal election, it will see the light of day. There will no longer be any obstacle to consecrating the word "Municipal Police". Today we have 3,400 agents, there were 700 in 2014. We will increase to 5,000 agents for the second term. This corresponds to the needs of a city like Paris. This police force will respect the rules of the game of daily life. It will be equipped with weapons to protect and intervene, like all municipal police. But no lethal weapons. We are not going to replace the national police.

How will its agents be prepared for their missions?

We are going to create a training school for this police force. But the most important thing for me is that our police will be joint, with as many women as men. These women on the street will be the embodiment of the security and public tranquility that we want, to fight against street harassment, which still prevents many women from living, dressing or going out the way they want. all freedom. In the school that we are going to create, the training will allow agents to fight against all forms of discrimination: anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia. This font will carry the values ​​of Paris.

FINANCES. "There will be no tax increase"

You are announcing lots of new measures, but with what money to finance all this?

The budget will be detailed in February when I present my program to Parisians. But we know how to act under financial constraints. The City of Paris has a budget of 8 billion euros and I have already had to deal with extremely significant decreases in endowments, which amounted to some 4 billion euros on the mandate.

You will have to find new financing…

I will present a budget in which there will be no tax increase. A budget in which we will seek new funding, as with companies that will invest in housing, or via green bonds, a green background to modernize Paris. New indicators, designed with the OECD and Positive Planet, will also be implemented to measure ecological debt and take into account what we are doing in terms of inclusion. With the climate crisis and the world falling apart, we have to rethink everything: the very notion of progress, the inhabitants taking charge of their city's destiny, our responsibility in the model of society that we want to leave for our children . These are the ideas that I will carry in the countryside, to build a Paris in common.

INNOVATION. Paris or "the quarter-hour city"

You want to refocus the life of Parisians around their neighborhood. What is it exactly?

The quarter-hour city is all there is, a quarter of an hour on foot, around your home. It is the city where we know each other, where we meet, where we live together and where we take care of our environment and the common good. In this city, the school is the capital of the district. The whole life of a district, all its rhythm starts from the life of the schools. The school will be the anchor of our project. The schoolyards (nursery, primary and middle schools) will be transformed and open to residents on weekends and during the holidays. A place where you can rest, read if you have no parks nearby, and have children play.

Are there other areas that enter this "quarter of an hour city"?

Culture will also be organized around schools. Conservatories, libraries, entertainment centers, houses of amateur practices will be linked to the school, which will be the capital of the district. Similarly, in the quarter-hour city, we will make sure that in each district there is a gymnasium which becomes a “Social Sports Club”. A place where you come after work, after school, to do sports but also tutoring for children, like what Olympic champion Sarah Ourahmoune does with boxing in the Halle Carpentier. It welcomes mothers and there is tutoring for children. It is a private initiative and we supported it, as we did with Magali Munoz and her football club in the 14th century. It also welcomes parents and children.

THE CLEANLINESS. A budget of "one billion euros per year"

Will Paris be clean?

In this quarter of an hour city, which must be much cleaner, I will devote a billion euros per year for the cleanliness, maintenance and small jobs of our streets, our sidewalks, our places, our gardens, from our tree feet. Today we have 500 million for cleanliness. There, we will increase to 1 billion to meet the expectations of Parisians, who will have a say in these subjects.

THE JO. "Budgets are discussed closely"

Will the Olympic Games leave a legacy in Paris?

Yes of course. The Olympics is tomorrow a more accessible city for people with disabilities. Entire metro lines will be accessible. We work a lot with the Association of the Paralyzed in France. I support their proposals. The pressure should not be released.

Isn't the budget of the Olympic Games likely to explode?

Certainly not. Budgets are discussed very, very closely, I personally watch over them. In terms of infrastructure, we are on schedule, as in the Olympic Village or on the Arena Porte de la Chapelle.

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