The Limited Times

Cultivation of more than 34 thousand hectares of lentil crop in Hasaka governorate

1/11/2020, 11:14:25 AM

Al-Hasakah-SANA The final area planted with irrigated lentils and baal in the Hasaka governorate reached the current season


The final area planted with irrigated lentils and Baal in the Hasaka governorate for the current season reached 34,100 hectares concentrated in the first and second agricultural stability areas.

The head of the plant production department in the Agricultural Directorate, Eng. Jalal Bilal, said in a statement to a SANA reporter that the governorate’s farmers ended their cultivation of lentil crops, as the cultivated area was distributed over 32 thousand hectares in Baala and 2,100 hectares irrigated, concentrated in the northern regions of the governorate, especially Aborasin, Amouda, Darbasiyah and some areas of the western countryside Which usually witnesses higher rates of rain than the rest of the province, which helps to grow the crop Baala.

Eng. Bilal pointed out that the area planted with the crop for the current season amounted to half of the planned area of ​​73 thousand hectares, which is close to the area planted during the last season, indicating that the rain that prevailed in the province for ten days is good for the growth of the crop and other crops grown in the province.

It is noteworthy that the production of Al-Hasakah from the lentil crop and the rest of the leguminous crops are marketed in the local markets.