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Duchess Megan becomes Disney Princess | Israel today

1/11/2020, 6:32:14 PM


Megan Markle has signed an agreement with the giant corporation, and will be filming in exchange for a donation • Negotiations between Prince Harry and his family over the couple's status are ongoing

  • Signed contract with Disney // Photo: EPA

Princess Megan: After Duchess Megan Merkel, and her partner Prince Harry announced their intention to take a "step back" from involvement in royal affairs, Merkel has signed a collaboration agreement with Disney entertainment giant - in which it will film a company film, which will donate an undisclosed sum To an organization working for wildlife.

The agreement, published in the London Times, "implies the future plans of the couple to use their status as celebrities to promote ventures they choose," according to the paper. At the same time, negotiations are underway between Prince Harry and the Royal House regarding the definition of the second class in the future. The British PA, which reported on the contacts, claims that they are "progressing well" and that the young couple wants the matter resolved as quickly as possible. An anonymous source, however, said: "It is a common interest that this issue will be resolved quickly and not at the expense of the quality of the solution."

Prince Harry and Megan introduce the royal baby for the first time // Photo: Reuters

The Daily Telegraph reported that the Queen demands that negotiations be completed by Tuesday before Thursday, so Harry will attend for the first time since his announcement of a planned royal event and before leaving for Canada, with no known return date. According to this report, the Queen told the Royal House employees that she wanted to "turn the crisis into an opportunity."

The British and Canadian governments were also reported to be involved in the negotiations, against the backdrop of the couple's intention to reside in North America as well, as they unexpectedly declared last week during a mismatch with the royal house. The BBC reported that the Queen, Harry's grandmother, his father, Prince Charles and Prince William, his brother, had commissioned royal officials to work with Harry's representatives and the governments involved to find a quick solution. The negotiations between Harry and his relatives were conducted in recent days in the absence of Merkel who returned to Canada to stay with their son, Archie.

A royal house in crisis // Photo: GettyImages

The biggest break in the royal house since the death of Princess Diana

Remember, last Wednesday, Harry and Merkel announced their intention to embark on an independent royal, economic and media journey. In fact, it is a gradual retirement from the royal house, partly because of a desire to live, part of the time, in North America. This move represents the biggest crisis in the royal house since the death of Princess Diana. The last significant retirement occurred when King Eighth, who reigned approximately 11 months to December 11, 1936, relinquished the monarchy in his desire to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorced.

In their statement, Harry and Merkel noted that "after months of reflection and internal discussions ... we intend to step back from our position as 'senior' in the royal family and work to achieve financial independence, with full support for the queen. In your encouragement, especially in recent years, we feel ready to This adjustment. We are now planning to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, and we will continue to honor our duty to the Queen, Commonwealth, and sponsor. "

In the royal house, they were surprised by the couple's announcement and expressed disappointment at the program, because the two did not consult with their relatives before posting. The royal court commented: "The discussions with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage. We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complex issues that will take time to formulate."

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