The Limited Times

Elections on People's Sovereignty and Democracy Repair

1/11/2020, 8:41:25 PM

Jacob Bardugo

Eventually we will all go to the polls to decide between Israel of the people or Israel of the officials and judges. But when we come to decide who the sovereign - the people or the system - we also have to decide with respect to those who do not disagree with his diplomatic skills, but did not do enough to rectify the negative ill. Netanyahu's economic and political buildup was also supposed to be Netanyahu's strengthening of separation of powers. It did not happen. The rule of officials and judges was not addressed, the regulation was not dismantled, the excessive force of the lawmen was not reduced, the boundaries between the authorities were not strengthened. Let's face it: Netanyahu has failed to put his head in the sand and ignore it.
But it is possible that out of her name she came. Today, it is clear that the issue facing voters is the question of correcting this distortion. The low level of trust in the judiciary, the politicians are loosened by the imbalance between the authorities, the increased involvement of the judges in the democratic conscience - everything comes together. For the first time, it is openly about holding elections whose outcome will be brought before the High Court, which will examine whether granting the winner a seat, if he wins, is reasonable and proportionate.
But obviously it will not be possible to repair without cleaning the pus. Netanyahu's files are the stations that need to go through in this repair campaign. It is clear to the public that these are precedent cases ("Test Case") and that the charges are based on a particularly flexible and creative interpretation of the law. Netanyahu has paid and already pays a huge price for sins that are dwarfed by what was commonly called "corruption" up to this point.
In the meantime, the system has failed in its efforts to overthrow it, certainly not as quickly and efficiently as it has managed to get Neeman, Rivlin and others out of the way. As in previous cases, it is also clear to Netanyahu that the goal of the system is to get him out of the game, not the results of the trial. That is why the High Court has more or less invited the "constant petitioner" club to submit its expected petitions after the election.
The clerical and legal system is represented in the political field of the party as a whole of the members of the Histadrut military clerical staff. They are all people who are not elected but appointed by the clerical heads. And the ideological identity clerical party is waging the political battle - yes or no Netanyahu - solely around the clerical work, ie the indictment. Since its inception, it has been linked to the removal of immunity in the Knesset: this is its cause of existence.
The upcoming elections are therefore a choice between official rule and the sovereignty of the people, between the teachings of Aharon Barak, the spiritual father of the system, and the person who symbolizes the will of the people, Netanyahu. The Prime Minister still enjoys a large support base, thanks to the power he demonstrates against the clerical and judicial system. .

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