The Limited Times

Zarif: The Iranian Foreign Ministry is ready to support the families of the Ukrainian plane's victims

1/11/2020, 9:41:31 PM

Tehran-Sana, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, confirmed that Iranian Foreign Ministry officials are ready to ...


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif confirmed that Iranian Foreign Ministry officials are ready to provide any possible support to the families of the victims of the crashed Ukrainian plane accident.

Zarif said in a tweet posted on his page on the social networking site Twitter today: "My colleagues in the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, embassies, representations and consulates around the world share the condolences of the people for this tragedy."

The Iranian Staff announced earlier today that the shooting down of the stricken Ukrainian plane south of Tehran last Wednesday was due to a human error due to its approaching one of the sensitive centers of the Revolutionary Guard against the backdrop of American threats to target 52 points in Iran, stressing that the parties responsible will be held accountable.

In Kiev, the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Alexei Goncharuk, confirmed his page on the Telegram website, that his government intends to pay 8,000 dollars to each of the families of the Ukrainian victims of the plane crash in Iran.