The Limited Times

[Wuhan pneumonia] 6 people discharged from the Mainland, 46 close contacts were not recruited after medical observation

1/12/2020, 12:47:20 PM

The Health Protection Center of the Department of Health received a notification from the National Health and Health Commission (National Health Commission) today (12th) regarding the latest situation of the case report of the pneumonia case group in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The number of cases is still 41. No new cases were reported on January 11. Of these, 6 patients have been discharged, 7 have been in serious condition, and 1 has died. The remaining patients are in stable condition.

Social News

Written by: Yuan Yuan

2020-01-12 20:40

Last updated: 2020-01-12 20:40

The Health Protection Center of the Department of Health received a notification from the National Health and Health Commission (National Health Commission) today (12th) regarding the latest situation of the case report of the pneumonia case group in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The number of cases is still 41. No new cases were reported on January 11. Of these, 6 patients have been discharged, 7 have been in serious condition, and 1 has died. The remaining patients are in stable condition.

According to the National Health and Medical Commission, the authorities have tracked 763 close contacts, all of whom have undergone medical observations, of which 46 have completed observations and no relevant cases have been found. The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health once again urges the public to maintain personal, food and environmental hygiene at all times, whether during local or overseas travel.

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The Centre for Health Protection has set up a special webpage on the incident to provide relevant information and health advice. In response to the concerns of the general public, the Centre will publish case information that meets the reporting criteria on the above-mentioned thematic website daily to increase transparency.

The Centre for Health Protection stated that to prevent pneumonia and respiratory infections, citizens must always maintain good personal and environmental hygiene, and pay attention to protection when traveling abroad.


Always keep your hands clean, especially before touching your mouth, nose, or eyes; after touching public facilities such as handrails or door handles; or when your hands are contaminated with respiratory secretions, such as after coughing or sneezing.

When washing your hands, clean your hands with soap and water, rub your hands for at least 20 seconds, rinse with water and dry with a tissue or a cell phone. If there is no hand-washing facility or there is no obvious dirt on the hands, it is also effective to clean the hands with 70 to 80% alcohol hand rub.

Cover your mouth and nose with paper towels when sneezing or coughing. Dispose of used paper towels in a covered dustbin, then clean your hands thoroughly.

When symptoms of respiratory tract infection occur, surgical masks should be worn instead of going to work or school. Avoid going to crowded places and seeing a doctor as soon as possible.

The following precautions should be observed when traveling abroad:

Avoid contact with animals (including game), birds or their droppings.

Avoid wet goods markets, live poultry markets or farms.

Avoid close contact with patients, especially those with symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

Do not eat game and do not patronize restaurants that provide game.

Pay attention to food safety and hygiene, and avoid eating or drinking raw or undercooked animal products, including milk, eggs, and meat, or foods that may be contaminated with animal secretions, excreta (such as urine), or products, unless Cook, wash or peel properly.

When you are out of the country, if you are unwell, especially if you have a fever or cough, you should wear a surgical mask, immediately notify the hotel staff or tour leader, and seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

If you have a fever or other symptoms after returning to Hong Kong from a foreign country, you should consult a doctor immediately, tell the doctor where you have recently visited, and wear surgical masks to prevent infection.

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Wuhan Pneumonia Health Protection Center