The Limited Times

He had chosen sedation, died footballer

1/12/2020, 11:32:14 AM

Giovanni Custodero, the 27-year-old goalkeeper of Pezze di Greco, a hamlet of Fasano (Brindisi), suffering from bone sarcoma, died this morning. A few days ago he announced on Facebook that he wanted to resort to deep sedation, to ease the pain. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BRINDISI, JAN 12 - GiovanniCustodero, the 27-year-old goalkeeper of Pezze di Greco, a hamlet of Fasano (Brindisi), who suffered from bone sarcoma, died this morning. A few days ago he had announced on Facebook that he wanted to resort to deep sedation, to ease the pain. The footballer had played in the Fasano 5-a-side football team in the C2 championship. Against the disease, diagnosed in 2017, he had fought tenaciously with a smile, publishing his emotions and treatments on social networks, and promoting charity initiatives. He also had a leg amputation. A few days ago the post that had aroused emotion: "I decided to spend the holidays away from social networks but next to the people most important to me. Now that the holidays are over, and with them also the last grain of strength that mirestava, I decided that I can continue to make physical pain and suffering prevail over what fate has in store for me. From tomorrow I will be sedated and I will be able to relieve my malaise ".

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