The Limited Times

Eni renews alliance with Politecnico Torino for sea energy

1/13/2020, 6:17:21 PM


(ANSA) - ROME, JANUARY 13 - Eni and the Polytechnic of Turin have renewed the alliance for the exploitation of marine energy resources. A note from the oil company reports this.

The rector of the Polytechnic of Turin, Guido Saracco, and the CEO

Eni, Claudio Descalzi, explains the note, signed a memorandum of understanding to further strengthen the consolidated collaboration in the field of scientific research, in particular to carry out a joint academic initiative aimed at expanding the study of forms of energy from the sea. Thanks to this agreement, the "MarEnergy Lab" research laboratory will be set up which will aim to deepen specific issues, thus contributing to a further growth of know-how in the matter and to a rapid industrial realization of technologies for the exploitation of marine energy resources. In addition, a specific chair will be established on "Energy from the Sea" which will aim to educate engineers specialized in the design, implementation and use of new technologies which will be developed right in the laboratory. "Eni - said Descalzi - thanks to the strengthening of the collaboration with the Polytechnic of Turin, consolidates the concrete commitment in the development and implementation of technologies that will have a key role in the decarbonisation process, looking at new energy frontiers with a particular focus on the largest unused renewable source. to the world: the waves ". Saracco has pointed out that "the collaboration with Eni in a sector as strategic for the planet as that of the production of energy from renewable sources represents for our University a virtuous example of open innovation". (ANSA).