The Limited Times

Gregoretti, majority leaves Giunta. Salvini: 'Many with me'

1/13/2020, 9:08:15 PM

Request for more documents on the health of migrants rejected. League secretary: 'I am on trial? prepare a large classroom, many will be with me '(ANSA)

All the senators of the majority present in the Senate Immunity Committee who are discussing the Gregoretti case have left the meeting, in protest, after the decision to reject the request for more documents on the health of migrants blocked on the Gregoretti to decide on the case and to convene the bureau tomorrow, on postponing the vote, despite the absence of the group leader of LeU Pietro Grasso.

" If I risk a trial for checking the borders, my country will go there with my head held high , but they will have to prepare a nice big court, because there will be so many Italians with me." This was stated by the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, during an electoral initiative in the Parma area. In a passage from his speech, speaking of the Gregoretti case, many of the audience commented: "We will come with you, we are ready".

" All the majority considered abandoning this meeting of the Junta because President Gasparri , who until yesterday said that this is a judicial and impartial body, has behaved in a more political manner than the others, because he has put to the vote a preliminary inquiry very important for evaluating the documents on the health of migrants especially after disembarkation. The request ended with the same number of votes and he decided to reject it, also voting with a specific political part ". The group leader of the M5s said it in the Elvira Evangelista Council, leaving the meeting on the Gregoretti case. And urged by reporters, she added: " I am accusing Gasparri of not being an impartial president".