The Limited Times

Norcia focuses on the 'norcino school'

1/13/2020, 3:35:27 PM

A consortium of Norcia cured meats and the "norcino school" to "further enhance the products and create a new generation that knows how to follow the long tradition of local pork butchers. These are some of the projects that Giuliano Boccanera, deputy mayor and development councilor is working on. of the city of San Benedetto. (ANSA)

NORCIA (PERUGIA) - A consortium of Norcia cured meats and the "school of pork butchers" to "further enhance the products and create a new generation that knows how to follow the long tradition of local pork butchers. These are some of the projects that Giuliano Boccanera is working on, Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Economic Development of the city of San Benedetto, which in the meantime is finalizing the details of the next Truffle Market Exhibition which will take place over three weekends starting from next 21, 22 and 23 February, to end on the weekend of 7 and 8 March.

"We have already received about twenty more bookings than last year from the standists," Boccanera said. "Surely - he added - there will be over one hundred exhibitors and the market exhibition will be held in the center of the city, limited to the spaces allowed due to the earthquake".

Returning to the development projects for pork butchery, the deputy mayor explained that "the time has come to go even beyond our main product which is ham, thus promoting and promoting all the others that are already part of our pork butchery and are widely appreciated. " The process to get to the new Consortium - said the councilor - was started with the "comparison and dialogue with the producers" and within this path the pork butcher school should also be included. "We are thinking about this school both to give continuity to our tradition and to give new development opportunities to the sector and therefore create new jobs," said Boccanera. Hoping that "the local gastronomy, made precisely of salami, but also truffle and chocolate, will be a fundamental driving force for our economy".