The Limited Times

Segre: 'Fear causes shameful things to do'

1/13/2020, 11:56:43 AM

The senator for life, Liliana Segre, participated in the hall of the Milan city council in the presentation of the 28 names of survivors of the Nazi death camps and of those who died opposing the regime, who will be remembered with as many stumbling blocks. (HANDLE)

The senator for life, Liliana Segre, participated in the hall of the Milan City Council in the presentation of the 28 names of survivors of the Nazi death camps and of those who died opposing the regime, who will be remembered with as many stumbling blocks.

"Fear is never a good adviser and makes you do shameful things, it prevents you from making a choice - said the senator, witness of the horror of the concentration camps, speaking in a classroom crowded in particular by school children - almost. all are those who do not make the choice "even today.

The senator then recalled the figure of Andrea Schivo, the custodial agent at the San Vittore prison in Milan who distinguished himself for helping the prisoners in the arm of the Jewish prisoners. A stumbling block will be dedicated to him in Piazza Filangieri, outside the prison. "An overseer of that time who had chosen to help really risked a lot, he could have been part of the violent but he made a choice - continued the senator - And only in this way will men and women be capitalized.
While there are those who have not made the choice and will never make it, and will make those who cry louder, who should agree that there are so many fearful. "

Finally, Liliana Segre stressed "how urgent it is even today that the choice is made" and appealed to the young people in the room, "stay who you are, make the choice".