The Limited Times

Tax: Pd first for 2xmille in parties

1/13/2020, 2:56:15 PM

It is still the Democratic Party the party in Italy that receives the most donations through the 2xmille. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 13 - The Democratic Party is still the party in Italy that receives more donations through the 2xmille. According to the data of the Department of Finance, which summarize the choices of taxpayers in the 2019 tax returns (relating to the 2018 tax year), the Democratic Party has collected over 8.4 million euros from 42% of those who have chosen to allocate their share of their Income tax to the parties. The League for Salvinipremier follows with 3 million euros (20%), while the Northern League for the independence of Padania has totaled about 750 milaeuro. In third place is Piazza Fratelli d'Italia, which rises to 1.16 million euros (from almost 7% of those who 'donated') compared to about 750 thousand euros a year earlier. The list does not include the M5S, contrary to the possibility of allocating 2xmille to parties because it is considered a true and proper public funding for parties.