The Limited Times

An opportunity for Europeans to save their dignity

1/14/2020, 10:11:16 PM

Eldad Beck

And again, Europeans find themselves on the wrong side of history. This European insistence on making wrong choices and sticking to them, even when clearly lost, is pathological - exceeding normal.

After all, Europeans have accumulated enough "hours of Iran" since the Islamic Revolution to know full well that the regime in Tehran does not seriously intend to give up nuclear weapons or its efforts to expand its sphere of influence in the Middle East, to make Iran a regional power.

They also knew full well that "moderate" extremist leaders would continue to control the Iranian population through terror and repression. Still, they zealously adhered to the nuclear agreement as if it were the altar funds, which gave them shelter from reality. The assertion that Europeans only wanted to secure themselves a significant share of the Iranian economy, with the removal of international sanctions on Tehran, would be too simplistic. Europeans like to flaunt their rights for human rights and democracy, but in retrospect, they cannot help but follow tyrannical rulers and dictators. Especially if these are shrouded in Islamic sacred aura.

Europeans have had enough opportunities in the last two years to shake off their nuclear deal with Iran and stop their pretense of innocence, which is the problem is US President Donald Trump and not the Ayatollahs, who have not ceased to use the nuclear agreement to advance their plans to take control of more and more Middle Eastern regions and build a war front As close as possible to Israel's border.

Only now, after the Ayatollahs have pledged to halt the development of their ballistic missile program, blaze the civil war fire in Yemen, Iraq and Syria, repeatedly - publicly - violate the nuclear deal, killing thousands of protesters across Iran and accidentally dropping Ukrainian passenger aircraft, Europeans are waking up Request the operation of the "arbitration mechanism", which is a step before the nuclear agreement is completely canceled.

Still, they declare that they are doing so to save the agreement, and hope for a "diplomatic solution." Some will say: "Better late than never." In this context, Europeans must demand accountability for their refusal to ignore reality for too long. This is a deadly and dangerous approach. In the past, they argued that it would have been better to earn ten years that might persuade Iranians to invest in the economy instead of atomic bombs, that the "moderates" might be able to change the face of the revolution through reforms and investments. None of that happened. The Iranians cheated the Europeans, and not for the first time.

More time should not be applied. Iran is about to become a nuclear power. Don't let that happen. If Europeans still somehow want to save their dignity and not be seen in history as "voluntary collaborators" with the Iranian bloody regime, they should join the US as soon as imposing draconian sanctions on Tehran and prepare for a military confrontation. Only such pressure could bring about change from the inside, perhaps - war.

For more opinions of Eldad Beck