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Jennifer Lopez talks about the "love of her life" and it's not alex rodriguez

1/14/2020, 11:17:33 PM

Jennifer Lopez talked about her career and love. The singer confessed who is the love of her life; The surprising thing is that it's not about Alex Rodriguez.

Jennifer Lopez is living one of the best moments in her career. After announcing that it is the new image of Versace's spring summer 2020 campaign, the singer shared on her Instagram account that she will decorate the next annual Hollywood Issue cover of Vanity Fair.

"The 26th annual Hollywood edition of @VanityFair is here, and I feel very honored to appear alongside 22 of my classmates," he wrote in the post.

Jennifer took advantage of a talk she had with this medium, to talk about her career and of course love. The singer opened her heart and confessed who is the love of her life; The surprising thing is that it's not about Alex Rodriguez .

"I would say that dance and music are my first loves, but acting is the love of my life. You have your first love and the love of your life, and acting is the love of my life," the 50-year-old artist confessed. .

Lopez explained that in each project in which he participates, he puts all his effort and dedication to interpret his role in a real way.

"When they come in and see me, they don't see JLo: they see the maiden, they see the stripper , they see who they are supposed to see. That is the challenge for me, but also the emotion for me," he said.

The actress revealed that although she has had many unforgettable roles, on one occasion she did not accept a character and regretted it.

"There was a movie called 'Unfaithful'. They offered it to me and the script, for me, was not so clear. I should have known that Adrian Lyne (the director) was going to raze him, but I didn't ... When I think in that, I literally want to shoot myself in the toe, "he shared about the 2002 film, which finally starred actress Diane Lane and for which she earned her first Oscar nomination.

In the interview, JLo also talked about the spectacular moment he lived last September during the runway of the Milan Fashion Week, where he returned to wear the iconic Versace green dress that he wore in the Grammys of 2000.

"The first time I used it, I didn't really have another dress. I usually have options. It was something last minute that caused an unexpected feeling," he said.

The "Get Right" performer said Donatella Versace wanted to organize something big for the 20th anniversary of the jungle dress.

"She told me: 'I think I'm going to do a complete program about it. Would you come?', And I said, 'Of course. Just call me,'" he added.

The famous fashion designer asked Jennifer to walk at the end of the runway in the same dress she had worn 20 years ago, which caused euphoria, as it was as if time had not passed.

At the moment, JLo is focused on his upcoming participation in the 2020 Super Bowl show alongside Shakira.

Undoubtedly, this event will go down in history, since for the first time two Latin artists will be in charge of animating the halftime show of one of the most important sporting events of the year.

About her performance in the Super Bowl Jennifer shared, "It's a perfect moment in my life, honestly, but it's also a good time for a Latin woman to take the stage at the biggest event in the United States, with everything that is happening in the country right now. "

See also:

Shakira surprised to wear the dress that Jennifer Lopez wore years ago

Jennifer Lopez and the look of heart attack she wore in her encounter with Pedro Almodóvar

Shannon De Lima remembered Jennifer Lopez with a photo of the past