The Limited Times

Joe Biden: Trump's dangerous mistake about foreign policy

1/14/2020, 8:02:15 PM

The former US vice president Joe Biden says that President Donald Trump sowed the seeds of the crisis with Iran the day he broke the nuclear agreement with Iran. According to him, the president “i…

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Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Editor's Note: Former Vice President Joe Biden is one of six presidential candidates who will participate in the Democratic debate on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, at 9 p.m. Miami time in Iowa. The opinions expressed are those of the author.

(CNN) - President Donald Trump's erratic actions have taken us to the brink of conflict with Iran, and another war in the Middle East that is the last thing we need. I am grateful that no one - neither American nor Iraqi - has died in the Iranian missile attack. Both Trump and the leaders of Iran should seize the opportunity to reduce tensions and take effective measures to avoid further conflict.

But make no mistake, the seeds of this crisis were planted by Trump himself on May 8, 2018, the day he broke the nuclear agreement with Iran against the advice of his own national security advisors and turned his back on our closer allies and decided that it was more important for him to destroy the progress made by the Obama-Biden government, than to take advantage of it to create a better and safer world.

The agreement with Iran verified in a verified way each of Iran's roads to a nuclear weapon. International inspectors repeatedly confirmed Iran’s compliance, as did our intelligence agencies. One of the biggest threats to stability in the region and to world security - that Iran has nuclear weapons - was greatly reduced.

  • Iran seeks lawsuit against the US and Trump for the death of Soleimani

When the agreement with Iran was in force, we did not have the dangerous vicious circle of violence with Iran that we have seen in the Middle East in the last year, and there was a united front of allies and partners to deal with the destabilizing actions of Iran throughout the region. The agreement was not only achieving the critical mission for which it was designed. It also created an environment where diplomacy was possible.

By breaking the agreement and re-imposing sanctions designed to exert “maximum pressure” on the regime, Trump said we would discourage Iranian aggression and get Iran back to the negotiating table to get a much better “better deal.” In fact, the opposite happened: no "better agreement" materialized and Iran became more aggressive, not less.

All this was totally predictable. Even so, the Trump administration had no strategy to prevent, mitigate or discourage Iranian provocations, or stop the increasingly dangerous cycle of action and reaction that led us to this moment.

Undoubtedly, Iran would also seek to demonstrate that it could take actions to make things more difficult for us, restarting uranium enrichment beyond the limits allowed under the agreement with Iran, carrying out alleged attacks on oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, and knocking down an American drone of unmanned surveillance.

  • Watch: A recount of the episodes that have worsened relations between Iran and the United States

Eventually, the Iran-backed militia restarted rocket attacks against our bases, and one of those attacks against our base in Kirkuk killed a US citizen and wounded others. It was a loss of life and an act condemned by all Americans.

In response, Trump attacked five sites in Iraq and Syria that are linked to the militia group. At least 25 people died. Then, Iraqi protesters - organized by a militia that has the support of Iran - attacked the embassy in Baghdad and crossed the outer wall. There were no reports of injuries, but Trump was embarrassed by the images of the reception of the ravaged embassy.

Trump ordered a drone attack to kill Qasem Soleimani - perhaps the second most important official in Iran - and hastily sent thousands of soldiers to the region to deal with the consequences. Iran contracted with the launch of a missile curtain against two Iraqi bases that housed US and coalition forces.

Action and reaction. Provocation and response.

I have no illusions about Soleimani or the Iranian regime. The regime has sponsored terrorists and has threatened our interests for a long time, and Soleimani was the architect of those efforts. Iran continues to detain US citizens. The regime has killed hundreds of protesters ruthlessly, and should be held accountable for their actions.

But there is a smart way to counter them and there is a counterproductive way. Trump's method is obviously counterproductive. We are already seeing the consequences.

Iran stated that it would no longer abide by any of the limitations to its nuclear program.

Our troops have suspended their mission to counter ISIS. In order to protect themselves, the Iraqi parliament voted to expel all foreign forces and the Iraqi prime minister has asked us to leave the country.

Our embassies and our people are less safe. More than 18,000 additional troops have been destined for the Middle East in the last year. The worsening of relations with NATO allies during Trump's presidency hinders the achievement of any of our vital interests in the region, including Trump's request that our allies assume a greater burden in the area, while Russia and China enjoy the possibility that the US may get bogged down in another major conflict in the Middle East, which leaves them room to follow their own plans.

Even so, instead of offering the country comfort and a clear path in its public statements, Trump tries to trick the country about the history of Obama and Biden and blame President Barack Obama for the consequences of his own failed policies.

Trump is doing Joe Biden a huge favor

Trump has no strategy here. It has no final goal. The only way out of this crisis is diplomacy - a clear and hard diplomacy based on a strategy, not unilateral decisions or impositions. We need a diplomacy designed to reduce the intensity of the crisis, protect our people and protect our regional interests - including our campaign against ISIS.

The best way to start, of course, would be for Trump to rejoin the agreement with Iran and use it as a base. If Iran also fulfills its obligations again, the international consensus on how to confront threats from Iran could be restored.

No one wants a war. But it will be necessary to work hard to make sure we don't end up in one by accident.

That is what we owe to those brave men and women who step forward to wear the US uniform, to those who dedicate their lives to the service of diplomacy and to the intelligence community, to those who choose to enter the Peace Corps, those that represent the best of our country in the whole world, and that today are in greater danger due to the actions of our president.

- (Translation of William Montes)

Joe biden